“As for feeling dirty, every touch, every sigh, every moan from your lips is a gift that I will always treasure. Don’t for a moment degrade what we have.”
I placed a finger on his lips, stopping him from kissing me again.
“What do we have?” my voice trembled with uncertainty.
“I love you, Glinda. I have loved you my entire life, and that will never change. I don’t know what the future holds. Perhaps I can abdicate my crown.”
“No!” I pushed him off of me in horror. “You will not give up your crown!”
“If it means having you in my life every day, it is worth it,” Gregory’s eyes bore into mine. “You, Lin, are worth it.”
CHAPTER 37 - PART 3 – Glinda
“Idon’t want to ruleOz!”
The biggest secret that I had been hiding from everyone came barreling out.
“Gregory, you can’t give up your crown, not for me.”
He cupped my face tenderly, “You are just saying that, Lin. And I love you for it.”
“No,” I said firmly, “I’m not. I know that people will think I am crazy, but I have three sisters that all want this. I don’t. I want you. I want to be able to go to sleep wrapped in your arms, and to wake up with you still there. I want to make love to you any damn place I want to, and not worry about my kingdom. Sapphire City feels like home to me because you are there. You cannot change my mind about this.”
“Why didn’t you say anything?” his voice was quiet.
I bit my lip, “I didn’t want you to be ashamed of me. You have always lifted me up when I felt that I wasn’t good enough. I worried that you would think I was a quitter or that maybe my sisters are right, and I am just too flighty.”
Gregory tightened his hold on my body, “Oh, Lin, I wish that you could see yourself through my eyes. I could never be disappointed in you. I only want to support you in your dreams, but I can’t do that if you won’t tell me what they are.”
“You,” I whispered against his lips, “You are my dream.”
Gregory’s eyes darkened, “And you are mine.”
I reached above me to tangle my fingers in his hair, pulling his head down for another kiss. He tasted of sunshine and passion, but most importantly—love. I couldn’t get enough of it.
He groaned as my tongue swept into his mouth tangling with his. I felt emboldened and slid my hands down to his shoulders feeling their strength. From there, I ran my fingertips over his broad back.