Embarrassed at being caught, I flipped him off and followed him into the large open area of his apartment.
In the light of day, I was even more impressed with how gorgeous the place was. The kitchen had a massive island with waterfall countertops. The stainless steel looked to be brand new and he had top of the line appliances that made me incredibly jealous.
I liked to bake a little, but I had nothing like this back at my place.
He went to the fridge and pulled out the eggs, cheese, and some vegetables. Soon the kitchen smelled like heaven as he flipped our omelets making sure that they were cooked evenly.
“Where did you learn to cook?” I asked as he handed me a plate with a perfectly made omelet.
“Here and there,” his noncommittal answer had my teeth on edge.
“Here and there—Where?” I questioned.
He turned to look at me, “Listen, Indy. I don’t do relationships. So, there is no point getting to know one another. This is merely a business arrangement. I get what I want, and I will help you rid your territory of the murdering Dorothy.”
His words hurt and yet I didn’t know why. I didn’t want anything with him. I knew full well what my future held. I was going to win the challenge between my sisters, and rule all of Oz. I could never do that with him at my side.
Scarecrow was more of an outlaw than a law-abiding citizen. He wasn’t ruler material, and we both knew it.
“I was only trying to be friendly,” I shrugged my shoulder. “I am not falling for you, so don’t flatter yourself.”
His eyes were stoic, “Good, then we both know where we stand.”
I nodded and went to eat my omelet. But it no longer tasted like it had smelled. The eggs were ash in my mouth, and after two bites, I couldn’t force myself to eat anymore.
Pushing my plate away, I stood, “I am going to shower.”
I saw his eyes darken and I put my hand out, “Alone.”
He growled at me, but didn’t fight my decision. I walked with his glare on my back like a target until I was back in his room. It wasn’t hard to find my clothes now that I was really looking.
He had them draped over a chair near the bathroom. I gathered them up and went in to turn on the shower.
My appearance in the mirror had me gasping with shock. I looked like I had been pulled through the ringer. My hair was knotted and sticking out all over the place. My neck had purple love bites, and when I lifted his shirt away from me, I saw the same bites on my breasts.
I looked thoroughly fucked—which was accurate in too many ways to count.
Saying a quick spell to make my clothes clean, I crossed my fingers that it would actually work how I wanted it to. I wasn’t the best at magic and I didn’t use it very often.
I held my clothes up to my nose and noted that they smelled spring fresh, perhaps something in my world was going right.
Scarecrow had a massive shower with multiple shower heads. I had to use his soap and shampoo to clean myself. But once I was done, I felt immeasurably better.
I toweled myself off and then reached for my clothes. My underwear felt a little snug, but I didn’t worry too much about it until I got to my bra which would not latch no matter how hard I tried.
Stupid magic—I had shrunk my clothes!
I was able to shimmy into the jeans, but they were indecently tight. And as for my t-shirt, you could see a good inch of my stomach no matter how much I tugged.
But that wasn’t the worst of it. The thin cotton clung to every inch of my breasts, and my nipples were poking through as if they wanted to say hi to the world.
“Shit,” Scarecrow’s muttered curse brought my eyes to the doorway where he was standing. His hands were clenched at his side. “If this is for my benefit, I am more than thankful, Princess. But we will never get anything done this way.”
I sputtered, “I didn’t do this for you! I accidentally shrunk my clothes!”
His dark eyes were undressing me as he moved closer to where I was standing, “Sure you did Princess, and I am the Easter Bunny.”
I was going to kill him.