A deep rumble from his chest had me peering up into his face.
“I am trying to tell her,” he rasped, “But she is the most stubborn woman I have ever met.”
“What are you talking about?”
My heart started hammering in my chest. Surely, he couldn’t be talking about—me?
“Lions don’t mate outside of their species,” Jake cupped my cheek as a tiny sob escaped my lips. “But the moment I met you, I knew that you were the one for me. My pride was against the match. They knew, the last time I was here, that I was trying to court you. That is why they attacked the village. When I returned to the pride, they had voted to banish me—their King! I wanted to rip every last one of them limb from limb. But they promised me that you and your people would be safe if I left. I made Eric perform a blood oath, which he readily did.”
“Me? You think I am your mate?” my head was spinning.
I was the reason that he left the pride.
This thought kept circling around and around in my head.
Jake leaned in to kiss my temple softly, “There is no doubt that you are mine.”
“Jake, I don’t know,” my voice fluttered off.
I wanted to see if there was something between us, but forever? That was moving too far, too fast.
“Mombi, you don’t have to make any decisions right now. I just wanted to be honest with you.”
I felt the sincerity in his voice.
“Can we take things slow?” I asked shakily.
“As long as we are moving forward, we can go as slow as you want. Mombi, I want to show you that I can be the man, worthy of your love.”
My heart was melting into a puddle, “But what about the pride?”
His eyes hardened, “I must go and confront Eric. I don’t know how many will remain loyal to him. The pride may split in two, or if necessary, I will kill him, and anyone else, that stands in my way.”
“Kill your brother?” I hissed, not knowing if I could do the same.
“I gave him a chance and he has thrown it back in my face. I almost gave you up because of him. I will have no problems dealing with Eric.”
I blew out a breath I hadn’t realized I had been holding in.
My head was spinning from everything Jake had told me, and we hadn’t even discussed our newest problem.
“Dorothy! What if she and Eric join together? She is evil, Jake, there could be mass chaos.”
He firmly took hold of my jaw, “Do not worry, we will see this through.”
I wanted to believe him, but the last time he said he would get to the bottom of things, he disappeared for months. I knew the reasons why, now, but I couldn’t help but worry that something similar might happen.
“What is it?” his eyes were searching mine.
“I am scared you will leave again.”
The moment the words left my mouth, his eyes turned black and his voice deepened.
“I will never leave you again, Mombi. That is my vow.”
His mouth came crashing down on mine, making my core clench as I stretched up on my toes to meet his thrusting tongue.
My body felt electrified as his hands slid down my sides to cup the curve of my ample ass.