“Yes, Ma’am!”
My stomach clenched as the office door opened. I watched as he ducked to pass through the doorway, suddenly making my expansive office feel utterly too small.
He was in jeans and a Snake Hole t-shirt that stretched across his obscenely built chest.
His hard-chiseled features honed directly in on my face as he walked straight towards me.
I should have told him to stop. I needed to make it clear that we were not a thing, we never really were.
But as he advanced, my mind turned to mush, and my body was screaming out to him.
He grabbed the back of my head and slammed his lips down against mine. I was helpless to the onslaught of his passion. He wasted no time parting my lips and delving inside with deep possessive strokes that reminded me of what I wanted his dick to be doing.
I moaned low in my throat, hands locked around his neck, pressing every inch of my fevered body against his.
And then it dawned on me—I was right where I said I wouldn’t be.
I shoved hard against his chest, but that only seemed to increase his fervor. I was drowning in a sea of wanting so deep that I didn’t know if I had the strength to break free.
So, I did the next best thing. Raising my stiletto heel, I slammed it down on his foot. The response was immediate.
“Fuck, Mombi, that hurt!” he hopped around on one foot giving me the most affronted look.
My lips twitched, “Welcome back, Jake.”
“WHY DIDN’T YOU TELLme the pride was still giving you problems?”
Jake sat across my desk in an office chair that looked ridiculously small with his massive frame sprawled across it.
“I don’t need you,” I retorted.
But we both knew it was a lie.
He leaned forward, placing his elbows on his knees. “Princess, I can smell how much you need me.”
Damn him.
I flushed, “And even if I did want to get in touch with you, I had no idea where you were.”
Jake grimaced, “Yeah, I’m sorry about that.”
“You're sorry?” my voice raised slightly of its own accord.
“Look, Mombi, there were other things at stake, things you don’t know.”
“Enlighten me,” I prodded.
What could have been so vital that he deserted his pride and left me to deal with the aftermath?
“It doesn’t matter,” he shook his head dismissively.
It sure as hell mattered to me. But I didn’t want to look needy or weak, so I straightened my spine.
“Why did you come back?” the question flew from my lips.
Jake’s eyes narrowed, “It was never my intention to stay away forever. And we have unfinished business, you and I.”