She laughed wickedly, “No, Bastinda. I promised to leave Munchkin Land. What happens up North is none of your concern.”

And then in a puff of smoke, she was gone. It was the strangest thing, and I was more than a little bit jealous that I had no idea how to perform that type of magic.

“That was the weirdest fight I have ever been in,” Scarecrow seemed dazed. “Nobody hit anyone else, nor was there any blood. I am a little disappointed.”

I squeezed his arm tightly, “Don’t you worry. I have a feeling this is only the beginning.”


“What the hell, Indy?”

Mombi’s voice screamed through the phone as I pulled the receiver away from my ear.

“I have enough shit to deal with. The prides are fighting again, and their dumbass leader is off playing bartender for your fuck buddy.”

I swallowed nervously, “Um, about that, Scarecrow isn’t just a fuck buddy.”

I felt him jolt at his name and then turned when he heard the rest of the sentence.

Mombi was silent.

“Are you still there?” I prodded.

“Yeah,” she said, and I heard a hint of a smile in her voice. “So, you and the big guy are...”

She deliberately let it trail off for me to answer.

“We are dating,” I blurted out. And then, I wanted to cover my eyes for some unknown reason. Perhaps it was because my cheeks were flaming hot even though she couldn’t see them.

Scarecrow stole the phone from me and held it above my head.

“Mombi,” his firm tone was direct as always. “Your sister is too embarrassed to tell you that she is madly in love with me and has been for years.”

“I never said that!” I blurted out incredulously.

“Of course, she said that. Indy has been harboring tender feelings since the moment her eyes clapped onto me.”