“You can say anything you need to in front of Scarecrow.”

Scarecrow turned to me with a smirk, “I’m touched. "

Glinda looked at me as if to say, 'this is who you are putting your trust in?'

“Scarecrow,” I warned, “Behave. Glinda, I would trust him with your life, and more importantly, I trust him with mine.”

Her brow wrinkled, “Just what is going on between the two of you, anyway?”

I opened my mouth to respond, but Scarecrow beat me to it.

“Your sister is in love with me,” he grinned with a knowing wink. “Not that she is the only one.”


Glinda looked at me in horror, “I knew that you were sleeping with him but in love? Oh, Indy, surely not.”

I huffed, “This is not the time for this conversation.”

“Whatever is Daddy going to say?”

My head whipped around, “You are not allowed to tell Father anything. Do you hear me, Glinda?”

She didn’t look convinced, so I knew I had to bring in the big guns.

“If you squeal, I will tell him about you frolicking naked in the Enchanted Forest.”

My sister paled, “You were just as naked as I was!”

Scarecrow choked on his wine, “When was this?”

My eyes bore into hers, “El will vouch for me that I was nowhere near there. And you know that Father will believe us over you.”

“Again, you were naked when?” Scarecrow tried to get a response, but we were ignoring him.

“I have the evilest sisters imaginable,” Glinda grumbled. “And it was Mombi’s wine that had us all running around naked anyway.”

A small smile graced my lips, “But we weren’t the ones that look those faery boys into the thick part of the woods.”

Scarecrow choked again, “What?”

Glinda was glaring daggers at me, “We promised to never speak of that!”

My sister liked pretending that she was the sheltered sweet one, but truth be told, she had more than her fair share of kink in her.

Both boys had come back with huge ass grins on their faces.

“Did you disappear with anyone?” Scarecrow demanded, his fists clenched by his side.

I cocked my head to the side innocently, “I wasn’t even there, ask El!”

He muttered something under his breath that sounded like 'fucking hell' just as the doors re-opened and Prince Greggory returned.

“It would appear that your Dorothy was here,” his eyes flashed with fire. “She has flooded my south fields with locusts that are eating every inch of crops. I have no idea how I am to feed the city this winter!”

This was the most animated I had ever seen him, and I must admit that Prince Gregory actually seemed normal for a brief moment. Perhaps he did care about someone other than himself.

“You will find this Dorothy and rid Oz of her!” he demanded.