I muttered as he helped me to my feet.
“I think I broke something,” I groaned as a furious blush spread across my cheeks. “I didn’t know you had company!”
“Your pride doesn’t count,” Scarecrow slapped my ass playfully, “Liar, liar, pants utterly on fire.”
I scowled as Steele beamed at the both of us.
“I didn’t know that you were in love! That changes everything! Indy would you put in a good word with your sister for me? I know that she hates me right now, but that can’t last forever, right?”
Scarecrow hadn’t refuted Steele’s claim. Could he possibly love me in return?
“Um,” I tucked a dark curl behind my ear, “Sure, Steele. Although, my sister never really listens to me about dating stuff.”
His eyes dimmed, but there was still hope glimmering.
“That’s okay, I mean, as long as you don’t say anything bad. I don’t think El could think worse of me, but you never know.”
“I am sorry about the room,” I blurted out.
Steele brushed it away with a smile, “Don’t worry about it. Nothing that can’t be fixed. And besides, you two are good friends.”
Scarecrow raised a haughty brow, “Laying it on a little thick, mate.”
The blonde man grinned, “Whatever it takes!”
He turned to leave, “You are welcome here anytime, Indy. I am serious about that. I couldn’t be happier for you both.”
Steele closed the door behind him as he walked away.
“Did you hear everything you wanted to?”
Scarecrow’s teasing voice was muffled against my hair as he pulled me into him.
“I wasn’t eavesdropping!” I lied, loving when his large hands grasped the globes of my ass and squeezed hard.
“Little girls that don’t tell the truth get spanked,” he warned in a playful tone.
I wrapped my arms around his waist. His deeply tanned bare chest against my cheek.
The tip of my tongue slipped out to trace the curve of a tattoo. He was delicious, every last inch of him.
“Did you mean what you said?”
“That I will spank your ass?” he teased, “Absolutely.”
I rubbed my face into his pecs, “No, you didn’t correct Steele when he said that when he implied...”
I couldn’t finish the sentence.
“When that dickhead said that we were in love? I didn’t think that I had to. It isn’t any of his business what we are to each other.”
I hid my face, not wanting to admit that I needed to know if it was true or not. Did Scarecrow love me?
“Hey,” he nudged me with his shoulder, “What is this? Are you mad?”
I shook my head, “No. We had better be getting dressed though if we are going to drive all the way out to the Sapphire City.”
He released me reluctantly, “Yeah, I guess so.”