It was harsh, almost brutal the way he took my body, and I loved every second of it. I wanted him deeper than anyone had ever been.
My legs tightened around him and dug into his ass. I couldn’t stop my hips from meeting every last one of his thrusts.
“You are so tight,” he rasped, “It's incredible.”
“You are so damn big,” I returned as I clenched my core.
“Fuck, Indy!” He grabbed my hips and lifted them off the bed. I was partly suspended by the silk and his hands.
Keeping a punishing grip on my skin, he changed the angle of his thrusts and this time when he rammed inside, I saw stars.
This man knew how to fuck.
My pleas to him and every deity in existence where drown out when he came shortly after I did.
He didn’t wait to untie me, but did it immediately, checking the red welts to make sure I hadn’t broken the skin.
“Are you alright?” he asked tenderly, kissing my temple.
I turned toward him, needing the closeness that I had been denied.
Scarecrow gathered me tightly against him and pulled the blankets up to cover us.
I had started to drift to sleep when I felt him nudge me, “You never answered me.”
“Hmm?” I tried to focus on his words.
“Indy, are you alright?”
I smiled against his neck, “I’m with you, of course, I am.”
“You broke my fuckinglamp!” Steele bellowed at Scarecrow after the maid had dropped off breakfast.
Her brows had raised at the torn linens and tipped furniture. Things had gotten a little wild when we were wrestling. What could I say?