The moment we crossedthe threshold we were in a gorgeous high-rise apartment. The east wall was covered in windows and I could see the twinkling stars from the night sky winking back at me as if to say that they knew a secret that I didn’t.
“How?” I blurted out, but Scarecrow ignored me, dropping his keys and wallet into a gold vase on the sleek metal side table.
It wasn’t that I was unaware of magic, the good Lord knew that I had dabbled a time or two. But I had never been very good at it and couldn’t imagine pulling something of this scale off.
“Who did this for you?” I blurted out.
He lifted a brow, “Who said that I needed help?”
I took a step back. Everyone in Oz had a bit of magic in them. But very few could wield it. My sister Elphaba was one of them, as was my sister Glenda—Miss Goody-Two-Shoes, as El and I liked to call her.
I knew that neither of my sisters would go out of their way to help Scarecrow. He seemed to think he was above the law, and since that happened to be my father, it didn’t sit well with anyone in the family.
“Scarecrow, if you have made a deal with the devil, I need to know. I won’t be a part of something,” I hated to add it. But some things needed to be voiced. So, I let it fly, “Bad.”
His grin was dark and so damn arousing that I squirmed in his presence. This seemed to only heighten his amusement of me.
His grin deepened as he said. “Angel, if anyone has come to deal with the devil, it is you—not me.”
“You,” I spat, “being evil incarnate I suppose. I completely agree with your assessment on this one.”
His rich laugh raised bumps on my arms as Scarecrow walked over to where I was standing.
Suddenly I wanted some distance between us, “This is a lovely home.” I babbled, “Did you decorate it yourself?”
“No,” was his only reply as he stalked me, following every step that I took until my back slammed against the wall. “Looks like you have run out of time, Princess. So, what is it going to be? Are we stripping down or has this all been a tease?”
I brought my knee up, but he was faster than I was, trapping my thigh in his iron-like grip, “Now, that wasn’t very nice,” he purred against my ear.
“I already told you that I would do anything, Scarecrow, you don’t need to throw it in my face.” It was a stupid bravado move, that looking back afterward, I would cringe at. But I had never expected what happened next.
In a moment, my jeans were being tugged down my thighs, and then with a rough yank, my panties were ripped from my body.
“What the hell?” I began, but couldn’t continue when my same panties were thrust into my mouth, gagging my reply.
My eyes glared at him. He had my hands behind my back in one of his huge paws and I couldn’t break free.
The other was slipping along my pussy lips, noting how wet I really was.
Scarecrow’s smile was so dark and sinister that I was almost afraid for a moment. He watched me like a hawk, not penetrating my folds, just slipping along the outer lips, wreaking havoc on my equilibrium.