He leaned over and tipped my chin closed.
Lucy giggled, snapping me out of my daze.
“Right,” I stammered, “Home base will be at Scarecrow’s bar. Um, what is the name of that place?”
This time Lucy laughed so loudly that I thought she might hurt herself—at least I had hoped.
She gave me a smug smile, “The Snake Hole.”
Images of Scarecrow’s snake had me blushing. I smacked his arm, “Really? Who named it that?”
His grin broadened “Came with the bar, and with a name like that, why change it?”
I pursed my lips and noticed when his eyes went straight to them, darkening.
Steady, I told myself, trying to ignore my increasing heart rate. I wondered if there would be a time that I would ever not be this affected by him. His muscles bulged out of his t-shirt as he crossed his arms.
I didn’t think it would be anytime soon. Unconsciously, I licked my bottom lip, pulling it with my teeth as I continued to check Scarecrow out.
I hadn’t meant anything by it, but the next thing I knew he was hauling Lucy and me back into Jake’s truck swearing under his breath about damned females.
I told myself that it was Dorothy he was talking about and not the current occupants of the cab of the vehicle. But I had a good idea that it wasn’t.
Neither Lucy nor I spoke the entire way back to The Snake Hole. Once there, she hopped out, a feat in itself considering she is a Munchkin. I turned to Scarecrow, who was still sitting behind the wheel.
“She didn’t even say goodbye. I’ve never seen Lucy this quiet!”
He looked predatory and I instinctively slid an inch back.
“She wanted to get out of here before the fucking began.”
My eyes popped, “What fucking?”
He grabbed my arm, hauling my chest against his hard body, “Do you realize you spend a large part of your day eye-fucking me?”
I spluttered, “That’s ridiculous!”
He leaned in placing his open mouth against my neck, causing shudders to race across my skin, “Liar! I don’t mind, Princess. Trust me, I will fuck you whenever and wherever you want. Just remember that I am only a man, and some temptation is too great to resist.”
I was struggling to keep my wits about me as he nuzzled my neck, finding that sweet spot by my collarbone and at the hollow of my throat. Soon, I was panting in his arms, and I wanted more than anything to be rid of our clothing.
He opened the door and picked me up, tossing me over his shoulder.
What the hell?
As Scarecrow entered the bar, there were lewd shouts and laughter as the patrons saw how he was carrying me. Scarecrow tossed Jake the keys and gave him the usual song and dance about not disturbing us.
One of the regulars called out, “That’s a mighty fine-looking woman, Scarecrow. You gonna share?”
Ribald laughter filled the room. Scarecrow’s anger was palpable, I glanced up and saw Jake’s face.
“Shut-up, you, assholes,” he said to them, “That’s Scarecrow’s woman.”
They laughed in response, “Scarecrow doesn’t have a woman, he has women.”
Scarecrow stopped at the back of the bar, setting me on my feet.