Scarecrow leaned over, and I couldn’t help but watch his six-pack abs as they contracted with the movement. He gathered me into his arms and pulled me onto his lap.
“It seems that my rich ass father was more than just a regular man. I found that out the first time I had gotten into some serious trouble on the island. Three mobsters were chasing me down an alleyway, and I turned a corner only to find that there was no way out.”
I pulled his arms more tightly around me, “So, what did you do?”
“I turned to face them and wished more than anything that I was bigger, meaner and scarier than they were. Suddenly my body morphed in size, becoming larger. I felt the power radiating underneath my skin, and the moment one of those idiots touched me I disintegrated him.”
“What are you?” I breathed.
Scarecrow shrugged, “They nicknamed me Scarecrow on the island because there is a legend about a Scarecrow being an object of faceless fear, and I suppose over the last hundred years or so, the name stuck. My mother was human and after her life was through I saw no reason to stay on the island.”
“What brought you here?” I couldn’t help but ask.
“Your father,” Scarecrow had rested his head against my head, “I have been working for him and in exchange, he has used his magic to allow me to age as a normal human would.”
“But you are afraid that if he finds out about us, that he will stop helping you. And that I will age, but you will not.”
The words hung between us, neither one of us willing to address them.
I closed my eyes tightly not knowing what to do.
On the one hand, I knew that my father was incredibly stubborn. I don’t know if he would consider Scarecrow fit to rule beside me as Queen of Oz.
On the other hand, I don’t know if it came down to it and I was forced to choose between ruling Oz and giving up Scarecrow if I would pick Oz.
“What are you thinking?” he asked as he tucked a stray piece of hair behind my ear.
“What was it you were dreaming about, just now?”
He paused, “I have fought in many wars. But there was only one time that I was captured. They had some magical cage that prevented me from using my talents.”
“Who were they?” I tipped my head so that I could see his face.
His eyes were unfocused as he remembered, “It was a tribe of Amazonian women, and they tried to force themselves on me. They would get angry when I didn’t become hard for them.”
“They tried to rape you?” I was aghast.
“The world is an ugly place, Indy,” he smiled sadly, “luckily I was able to seduce one of the guards and escaped.”
“You slept with her?” I practically shouted.
“Big ass vagina,” he teased, “not evenfun!”
“I need to bleach my mind!”
I hopped out of his arms and raced to the bathroom, trying to process everything that he had told me. After using the toilet, I flipped on the shower and let the hot water pound against my tired muscles.
What if my father didn’t allow us to stay together?
What if we never found Dorothy?
I felt a chill as the shower door opened. Seconds later my back was hitting the shower stall wall as Scarecrow’s lips descended on mine.
“Stop worrying,” he said against my lips before deepening the kiss. My wet breasts slid across his chest, and it felt incredible. I couldn’t get close enough.
When I felt his hands on my ass, squeezing and pulling it apart, I wrapped my legs around him tightly.
I didn’t know how long we had together. But I was going to make every moment count. He kissed along the edge of my jaw as he lined up his dick and allowed me to sink down but only put the head inside.