“Scarecrow, what doesthat even mean?”
His arms tighten, and I feel as precious as glass as he cradled me in his arms.
“Indy, it’s complicated,” he grinds out. “But I never meant to hurt you. Fuck, hurting you would be the last thing in the world that I would want to do.”
My stupid tear ducts were acting up again.
“Then what are we?” I whispered.
He grimaced, “I don’t do labels. I have never been in a relationship. I don’t even know how. I fuck, and I work, but I don’t do emotions. I am trying here, Indy, I really am.”
He walked us over to the bed and set me on it. My heart was in my throat as I watched him pace back and forth on the carpet.
I was getting chilled with my damp skin and pulled the comforter around me.
“Look,” he ran his hands through his hair, making the dark silky strands stand out at odd angles. “I want something more with you.”
My eyes shot to his, “You do?”
He eyed me warily nodding, “But I don’t know if I have it in me. Indy, the last thing I want to do is let you down.”
A rush of tenderness overtook me, and I dropped the blanket. His eyes immediately darkened as they took in my naked body. I crawled over to him on my hands and knees.
“You won’t let me down,” I pulled up to my knees.
“Fuck, Indy,” he released a shaky breath, “I am not a good man.”
I stared at him, considering my answer. Finally, I settled on, “You are good to me.”
He pulled his shirt over his head, “Let me be good to you, Indy.”
Scarecrow made short work of the rest of his clothes before joining me on the bed. He leaned over me, pushing me back until he was leaning over my body on his forearms.
“Do you trust me?” his smirk had my stomach clenching.
“Y-yes,” I stuttered as I felt his hard cock brush against my mons.
“Good,” he whispered, “I am going to try something new with you.”
I quirked a brow but didn’t say anything as he sat up and went over to his dresser. He came back with a silver mini egg-shaped object and some lube.
“Um, I don’t know,” I had never done anything with anal play before.
His dark eyes met mine. There was a hint of humor in them, “Do you trust me?”
It took me a minute, but I nodded hesitantly.
His white teeth glistened against his tan skin, “I won’t do anything that you won’t like, Baby. We are just going to start training your fine ass.”
I felt my pussy clench at the thought. Maybe I wasn’t as averse to this as I thought.
Scarecrow pulled me to the edge of the bed opening my legs wide. I thought that he was going to go right for my ass, but to my surprise, he fingered my folds softly.