Perhaps this is what caused the massive overhaul of my anxious former self, but the moment Dorothy chose death, I attacked.
My hair was standing on end, the power causing my already curly hair to weave into tight ringlets that floated above my head.
The first fireballs that I had thrown were nothing compared to the power behind me as I screamed in outrage. Trees uprooted from the ground, boulders rolled as if they were stones, and my sisters lost their force field as everyone in a mile radius was thrown into the air.
Dorothy’s innocent brown eyes flew open in surprise. Her body smashing into a large evergreen.
I turned to Steele and Scarecrow, “Round up the lions and free Mombi. I will deal with Dorothy.”
They nodded and in an instant were gone on the task I had placed before them.
I felt a whisper of magic float by me and saw that El had changed Toto into a flying monkey.
My lips twitched, my sisters might be deranged, slightly wicked, and a right pain in the ass, but they were mine, and I loved them.
Dorothy had risen to her feet. She ripped a wand out of her picnic basket and flicked it, changing Toto back.
“You shouldn’t have messed with my dog,” she sounded throatier, the little girl voice had finally vanished.
“You shouldn’t have messed with my family,” I responded.
Her wand flicked, and lightning struck near where I was standing. I raised my hand and started sending streams of fire, lighting the plants around her on fire.
Dorothy’s mouth tightened, “You can’t win, Indy. I am the hero of this story!”
“What are you talking about, you, egocentric bitch?” I responded.
“You don’t know what it is like!” she screamed. “I live on a fucking farm back in Kansas. My aunt ignores me. My uncle works night and day to put food on the table. Life is hard.
"Things are black and white there. And I have lived everyday wishing for a place where troubles melt like lemon drops, where I could be anything or anyone. And the secret things that I dared to dream really do come true. I didn’t want to be an ordinary girl! I wanted to be a great one!”
Dorothy’s body shook with fury.
“And then the tornado came and swept me over the rainbow. Suddenly, I had the respect of those stupid Munchkins. I had powers I could never have imagined.”
“But it wasn’t enough for you,” I interceded. “You killed those fools that worshiped you.”
“They said you were evil!” Dorothy raged.
“So, when you couldn’t get to me, you went and started to gather your army of lions. You poisoned the crops so that thousands would die, and you kidnapped my sister,” narrowing my eyes I took a step forward.
“She brought me here!” Dorothy accused. Turning to see where Mombi should have been lying on the ground after they fell.
But Steele had already gathered her up and was carrying her to El and Glinda. They would care for her and see to her needs.
Dorothy raised her wand to strike out.
I flicked my wrist, sending a rapid bolt of energy that snapped her wand in half.
“Where did you get that wand?” I growled, “Is that how you have been working magic?”
Dorothy’s cheeks pinked with anger, “I am a Witch!”
“No, you aren’t,” I guessed, and the moment her face drained of color, I knew it was true.
“Indy,” Scarecrow cried out, “The spell is broken. The Lions are no longer under her control.”
“Where did you get the wand?” I repeated harshly.