“Fine!” the Dwarf turned and started to amble his way back into the dark forest.

We followed along, making sure to walk where he did to avoid traps and pitfalls that the Dwarves were famous for.

Once we cleared the outskirts, I began to see the light coming from up ahead. But what was really creepy, was that Scarecrow’s skin began to glow.

“What the fuck?” he muttered, his hand tightening in mine.

I wanted to reassure him, but it was freaking me out just as badly.

All I could do was hold onto him for dear life and pray that we made it through.

The forest faded into an open clearing. One hundred trees circled the outside. They were massive in size and each was hollowed out to hold a stall. As we approached, the Unicorners came to stand at the edge of the trees. Just beyond them was a crystal-clear lake with unmoving water.

It was eerie how still everything was.

I noticed the shiny silver apples hanging from the long branches of the trees. It is said that the unicorns eat them to assure eternal life.

And then to my surprise, each Unicorner bent their front leg in a bow, lowering their magnificent heads to honor royalty.

Surely, this couldn’t be for me?

“Haslan,” a giant unicorn spoke, “You have finally returned. Our curse is broken.”

Not me then.

Scarecrow looked white as a sheet, “I am not Haslan.”

The unicorn stomped his feet impatiently, “You have his blood in your veins, despite your unusual appearance. You cannot tell me that it is not you.”

“I am not Haslan,” Scarecrow repeated, “That was my father’s name.”

The other unicorns started stomping and kicking up dust.

“It is an imposter!”

“That is not our Haslan!”

“This is trickery!”


The giant unicorn’s horn glowed, and the other Unicorners fell silent, “I will test him.”

“The hell you will!” I interjected.

“Indy?” Scarecrow grabbed me before I flew into a rage.

“You will not kill him; do you understand me? I know what your little test is! Throw him into your lake—only true unicorns can survive it. Well, you are not throwing the man I love anywhere!”

“Your chosen mate is fiery, Haslan,” the unicorn almost seemed to smile.

There was a silence, I turned to Scarecrow, my heart trying to burst out of my chest.

“They can’t do this,” I pleaded with him, “You are not Haslan, you are Scarecrow. My Scarecrow!”

He cupped my face in his hands, “Why are you crying?”

I wanted to scream, “I never cry!”