CHAPTER 46 - PART 4 – Elphaba

“Iwon’t turn anythinginto tin if you harm the Witch. Erm, Elphaba, that is her name.”

My hero.

“Come along,” the bald one grumbled, gouging me sharply so that I would follow.

We walked until we faced a large tree. The bald Nome placed his yellow hand over the garbled wood, and a door appeared as a large section of bark swung inward.

“You will leave your shoes out here,” the stubby one crossed his chest. “And no talking!”

“Why are we taking off our shoes to go underground?” I wish I could say that Steele was responsible for talking back when we had been asked not to.

But he looked at me in exasperation, and I could tell he desperately wanted to tell me to shut-up.

“Kill the Witch!” cried out one of the little ones.

“No! Not kill the Witch! I will take off my damn shoes!”

Vicious creatures! I could almost appreciate their harsh nature. If it wasn’t so pointedly aimed at me, that is.

I bent and removed my shoes, tossing them to the side. My bare feet sunk into the cool grass and I have to admit, it felt lovely.

Steele was wise enough to readily agree to their demands and was already standing there in his socks.

“Remove all foot coverings, Man of Tin,” they poked Steele in the ass.

Biting off a curse, he pulled his socks off to reveal manly feet, “You didn’t say that they were Pedophiliacs.”

“What?” momentarily distracted, I stumbled, and he caught my arm.

“Foot worship or foot partialism?” The corner of his lip raised, “One who gets sexual pleasure from seeing, being around, or even thinking about feet.”

“That’s a thing?” I suddenly wanted my shoes back and looked at them longingly from where we were standing.

Steele teased, “You do have sexy feet, El.”

“Shut-up!” I hissed at him.

But the Winkie’s had apparently had enough of Steele and I conversing because the next thing I knew, a large crack followed by blinding pain struck me from behind. I didn’t even have the chance to check on Steele before the inky blackness took over and I knew no more.

“Wake-up, Witch!”

My body shook as a giant bucket of water was thrown, soaking me to the core.

Why did I wear yellow?

Another bucket of water came crashing over me.