“What the fuck is wrong with you, Steele?” her cold, calculating voice had me grabbing Gregory and hiding underneath a table.
He shrugged, a hint of a smile on his lips, “You said you were melting, I cooled you off. You're welcome.”
He really was a dumbass.
Her hands began to glow, and I felt Gregory pulling me out from under the table.
“We can’t leave!” I hissed, “What if she kills him?”
But no, my sister had a better plan. In a flash she had everyone in the tavern, except Gregory and me, transfigured into flying monkeys.
Steele barked out a laugh, “You shouldn’t punish these innocents for your bad temper, El.”
With a wave of her hand, they all did her bidding circling around Steele.
“I magic may not work on you, but my monkeys will.”
He was starting to look a little hesitant, “What are they going to do? Feed me bananas?”
“Go!” El commanded, and I felt the force of magic that sailed through the room. Suddenly, Steele was being pulled from the tavern. His feet left the floor as more and more monkeys came to her bidding.
“You can’t just kidnap people you are angry with, El!” his eyes were wild as he rose into the air.
“I can do whatever the hell I want, Tin Man! Take him home!”
The monkeys did as she directed and after a moment he was out of sight.
“Thank you, for not making me a monkey.”
She looked at me and I realized that might not have been a good opening statement.
Gregory still had an iron grip on my arm, “What are you going to do with Steele?”
A look a pure devilment crossed her face, “I haven’t the foggiest, but it will be vile, make no mistake.”
Gregory mumbled something about my sisters being wicked, but surely, they aren’t that bad. Just a bit—spirited.
“El, you have to return all of those people,” I said kindly, not wanting to rock the boat.
“I am not giving Steele back,” she retorted. I noticed that she was already fresh and dry as if the water had never happened. El, was a phenomenal witch.
“You can keep him,” I thought that was a fair trade, but Gregory seemed to be choking on something.
“Do you need a drink?” I inquired.
He coughed, “No, but perhaps a protective bubble wouldn’t be amiss.”
I laughed, “We don’t make protective bubbles! El won’t hurt you.”
El shrugged, “If my sister likes you, I suppose I will stop making your life a living hell.”
Gregory looked like he might cry.
“But, I need to talk to you both. That damn Steele and the nakedness distracted me from my task.”
“What is it?” I stepped closer to her.
“Indy and Scarecrow went to the Great Wizard of Oz. It was a scam. There isn’t anyone there. Well, there was some imbecile making minimum wage that peed himself when Indy gave him a snout and a tail.