El rolled her eyes, “Fine. But I want a full explanation.”
“Deal,” a hint of a smile on my face.
“Did you really have sex with Gross Gregory?”
The question came out unbidden, and for a moment she sounded like a much younger version of herself.
I giggled, “Yes—and it was magnificent!”
CHAPTER 40 - PART 3 – Glinda
El kept making gaggingnoises all through breakfast. I knew she was just trying to get a rise out of me, and it was definitely working.
She had magicked me some clothes, which I was very grateful for. My magic tended to do better when I was using it to help someone else. And growing things, I was excellent at growing things.
And then it struck me.
I am such an idiot.
Gregory was making his way down the stairs when I pushed away from the table and launched myself into his arms.
“I can fix the crops,” I said in a rush as he clutched me to him.
“What?” he said burying his face in my hair.
I heard El groan from across the room, “You aren’t going to be like this all of the time now, are you?
I smiled evilly and pulled Gregory’s face down to mine in a ravishing kiss. There was way too much tongue and plundering for a crowded room first thing in the morning. But it was worth it, damn, was it worth it.
“Stop,” she screeched, “You are killing me! I am melting away in disgust! Melting! Melting!”
She is such a drama queen.
I heard a high-pitched scream that curled the ends of my hair. Pulling back from Gregory I looked over at my sister who had water dripping off of every inch of her.
Steam had begun to sizzle up from her clothing and I knew that we needed to take over.