Elphaba whipped around, the look on her face I knew well. I would have categorized it as death is imminent. Steele didn’t even flinch, it was uncanny.
“You want to talk about not communicating? You of all people are going to give me advice on keeping a level head? Why on earth would I trust the dip shit without a single trace of common decency?”
Steele’s face hardened, “We were on a break, El! You were the one that couldn’t handle it!”
They weren’t even paying attention to Gregory and me at this point. We scurried over to the bed and covered ourselves. I didn’t want to miss a moment of the show.
“No,” her hands started radiating power, and she threw what I knew to be a tremendous amount of magic at Steele.
I tensed for impact. I honestly expected to see him transfigured into something—monkeys were my sister’s favorite—flying ones.
He stood there completely unscathed, but there were charred marks on the door.
“I don’t know why you and your sisters insist on destroying the Inn,” Steele rolled his eyes.
I didn’t do anything to Hubert’s!
“I needed a moment to reflect. I asked for time. Not for you to have an orgy in the bar!”
Another flash brightened the room as she hurled a ball of fire at him. The wallpaper lit, but I flicked it out, not wanting to miss a second.
“She kissed me, El,” he roared.
I knew better than to raise my voice to Elphaba, even Gregory winced.
“And are you trying to tell me that you couldn’t have shoved her away? You are a vampire, Steele. Superhuman strength and speed are your m.o., and yet you couldn’t stop that slut from latching herself onto your face? Give me a fucking break.”
“We were on a break!” he thundered as his incisors descended. For the first time since meeting the man, I was beginning to feel a tad nervous. “I could have kissed every occupant in the room!”
Her eyes glittered dangerously, “I knew better than to get involved with you. I thought you were so strong, the man of steel. But you are a fraud. It should be the man of tin—easily crumpled at the first sign of strain.”
In a flash he had her locked in his arms, “Tin Man, you say? I would like to see you break free.”
She struggled in his arms, calling him every filthy name that I knew and many I hadn’t heard of.
Finally, she stilled, “Let go.”
I wasn’t sure he was going to. His arms seemed to tighten for a fraction of a second, but then he let her go.
Gregory cleared his throat, “Princess Elphaba, are you okay?”
He hadn’t risen, mostly because there was one blanket and two naked bodies that needed to be shielded.
My sister turned back to face Gregory and me. I was shocked to see the emotion on her face, but in an instant, it was gone.
“And what the fuck are you doing with Prince Gregory?”
He stiffened, “Don’t talk to her like that.”
“She is my sister. I will talk to her, however—I chose. Steele might be immune to my magic, but you are not.”
“Don’t do anything!” I cried out. “Gregory, please, can I have a minute to talk to my sister?”
He turned to me, “I don’t feel comfortable leaving you here with her right now.”
He said the words under his breath, but I knew she heard them.
“She won’t hurt me,” I turned to El, “Please, assure him that you are my loving sister and not on a rampage.”