Page 4 of My Crush's Brother

She spins on her heel and stomps out of the cabin. I feel a little bad I might have hurt her feelings but the last thing I need is to get involved in this childish stuff. I’ve got my own relationship issues to deal with.



“I’m going to tell him. I’m going to confess everything and finally tell him how I feel,” I say, downing the rest of my margarita.

“Are you sure, Pearl? I mean...that’s a huge risk putting yourself out there like that,” Jade says. I wouldn’t expect her to understand; I wouldn’t expect anyone to understand. There’s more to it than just having a life-long crush on Trevor...I’ve kept myself for him.

“I mean, yeah, it is a huge risk but the reward will be worth it. I…” I lean forward, looking around to make sure nobody can hear me. “I’ve been saving myself for him.”

“You’re a virgin?” Jade practically shouts as her eyes double in size.

I lunge across the table and slap my hand across her mouth, but it’s too late; a few people are staring our way. “Seriously? You couldn’t have read my body language when I leaned in that I was telling you a SECRET?” Now I’m the one whisper shouting.

“I’m sorry! I! Wait...are you saying you’ve made the conscious decision to NOT have sex so that you can give your virginity to Trevor?”

“Well, I mean, not exactly. You know this town; there’s nobody here and I?—”

“You went to college in Boulder for four years, Pearl; you had plenty of opportunities. Don’t bullshit me.”

I let out a sigh and lean back in my chair. “I guess, maybe, yeah, I did hold out for Trevor. Er, have been holding out for him. I think I just...I got it in my head when we were so young that we’d end up together, and I just didn’t see the point in wasting my time with anyone else.”

“Oh, sweetie.” Jade reaches out and grabs my hands across the table. “You’ve really screwed yourself here. I guess that’s not the right way of putting it.” She laughs. “But seriously, you set yourself up for some serious heartache. I know you guys have always been best friends but you’ve told me he’s been in a serious relationship for years and you guys drifted apart. What if he isn’t moving back here? You going to move to wherever the hell he lives?”

I pull my hands back. “I know, and that’s why I have a plan. Okay, hear me out...I know he’s only in town for a little while but maybe I can convince him this is where he belongs. I think if I remind him of all the fun and amazing times we had growing up, he could want to stay, have a fresh start after his heartbreak.” I smile, hoping Jade agrees, but I can see on her face that she doesn’t.


“Look, I’m sick of being a virgin, Jade, and Trevor is the only guy I trust. I’m doing this whether you agree or not.” She just shakes her head and smiles at the waiter as he hands us our credit cards back.

“Just keep in mind he might not be the same boy you fell in love with. A lot can happen and change in a few years, babe.”

“So, what about you? How’s the online dating world?”

Jade sighs and lets her head fall back.

“That bad, huh?” I rub her back as she sulks.

“It’s just a shit show. The guys either just want a hookup, or they’re a catfish and they show up and they’re thirty years older than their picture. Time for me to adopt a dozen cats and accept my fate.”

“I’ve missed you so much,”I say into Trevor’s neck as he squeezes me tightly. I can’t help but inhale his cologne. It smells expensive, not like the Axe body spray he used to wear in high school. That’s not the only thing that’s changed. The last time I saw him was the summer between sophomore and junior year of college; he had changed a little back then but he looked like a sophisticated man that stood out in this town.

I take a seat next to him at the bar and take a sip of my beer. “So...what’s new?” I say a little shyly. I feel a little like I’m sitting next to a stranger. His once curly, dark hair is now cropped short in a professional no-nonsense cut. His crisp, navy button-down is tucked into matching dark jeans complete with a camel-colored belt and suede wingtips. He looks expensive.

“A lot, I guess. I’m still living in Chicago, and I just accepted a professor position at the University of Chicago. They told me the average age of a professor is forty so I guess I’m a little ahead of my time.” He chuckles and takes a sip of his water. “Before I even finished my Master’s, they had their eye on me. I’m working through my Ph.D. now so I guess I’m staying pretty busy.”

I half-smile. “Yeah, sounds pretty crazy. I’m so proud of you and happy for you.” I want to ask about his ex, but I don’t want to seem too nosy.

“What about you? I thought for sure you’d have a couple little ones running around by now.” I’m a little taken aback at his remark. Maybe he didn’t know me as well as I thought he did.

“No, no little ones. I just accepted a position with your mom at the cabins. I guess she and Blake are doing some renovations and they want me to do some social media marketing and build a new website. I went over there the other day and met with Blake. He’s still ...moody,” I say with a nervous laugh.

“Yeah, he told me about that a little. He’s harmless, just a grumpy old man. I swear he’s gotten worse since Tracy broke his heart, but he’ll never admit that.”

“Tracy? How long ago was that?” I should take this opportunity to bring up his ex but I’m curious about this woman who broke Blake Winthrop’s heart. I know I’d seen the two of them around town in the past but not enough to remember her.

“About a year, I think.” He takes another long drink of his water. “I guess she got tired of the small-town life. She moved in with him for a few months but missed her life back in Denver and bailed on him. Just moved out one day.”