Page 23 of My Crush's Brother

Her eyes are still bright and she’s still fiery as ever but I worry about Mrs. W. She’s not getting any younger and when her husband passed away several years ago it was a lot for her to take on this business by herself.

“Oh don’t you worry about me. I’m still feisty.” She says with a wink. “Besides Blake has been such a help lately, I’m going to miss having him around every day. I always worry when he travels.”

I nod, not wanting to give too much away. “Yeah that has to be hard.”

“You sure you won’t miss having him around too?” I feel my cheeks heat up instantly.

“Uh...I mean.” She can’t hold back her laughter any longer.

“You kids think because I’m old you’ve got me fooled. I see the way you two look at each other.” She taps her nose and I just shake my head.

“I won’t pry but just know, I haven’t seen Blake this happy in...well, forever. Just be good to each other and be honest and you’ll figure it out.”

Adele doesn’t say anything else about the matter as we launch into our work day. Why does everyone seem to think it’s so easy? We’ll justfigure it out.Whatever the hell that means.

It’s nearing three o’clock when I finish up my day and I make a beeline to The Place to get some help from Delilah on romantic dinner ideas.

“What do you both like?” She asks as she looks through the invoices on her desk.

“Ummm food? Oh, I know he said he loves white wine sauce!”

“Perfect. Make chicken marsala. I’ll lay out some ingredients on the counter for you, just look up the recipe online, it’s not difficult.”

I give her a big hug, “You’re a lifesaver!”

I gather up the ingredients and wine and jump in my bug. I don’t have actual lingerie and the only place in town to get it is Martha’s boutique. The last thing I need is the tongues wagging of a bunch of town’s people so the red lace bra and panty set I bought on a whim over a year ago and never wore will have to do.

I stop by my mom’s house to check in on her and tell her I’d be out all night. I’m a grown woman and my mom doesn’t tend to worry but just in case I wanted her to know I’d be somewhere safe. I feel like I’m lying to her because I know she assumes I’m out with Jade. On the way out of the house I stop by one of the rose bushes and pull a few flours from their stems.

It’s nearing seven thirty when I set the plates on the table and light the candles. I sprinkle rose petals from the kitchen to the bedroom where I’ve lit a few more candles. Dinner is done and I’ve placed it in the over to keep warm.

I can’t believe I’m actually going through with this. I look myself over in the bathroom mirror once more, I almost don’t recognize the wanton woman staring back at me. I’ve curled and fluffed my hair and slicked on a red lipstick the same color as my bra and panties. I see lights shine across the front of the living room and scurry back to the bedroom.

I lay myself provocatively across his bed and wait for him to enter. My heart feels like it’s about to beat out of my chest when I hear his keys in the front door. Suddenly it hits me, I hope he’s not upset I used one of the spare keys to his cabin from the front office to let myself in. I push the through away as butterflies dance in my stomach.

The front door closes and I hear him take a few steps into the house. Before I hear a woman’s voice.

“Oh my god Blakey, Is this for me?”

“Uhh,” I can hear the confusion in his voice.

Blakey? Who the hell? Before I can scramble off the bed and grab something to cover myself Blake is flipping on the lightswitch. I catch myself as I trip over the edge of the comforter and stand up to see Tracey standing behind him with her hands on his waist.

Her smile fades when she sees me and realizes that this is in fact not somethingBlakeydid for her.

“Pearl wait. Wait!” He says as I push my way past them, grabbing my clothes and sprinting out to my car. I don’t even care that I’m half naked or that I stubbed my toe so hard it’s bleeding. I just want to get the hell out of there.



“Pearl!” I run out the front door after her but it’s too late. She throws her car in reverse and I have to jump out of the way to avoid getting hit. To say she’s pissed is an understatement.

I walk back up the porch and slam the door behind me. I want to punch the damn wall, I told Tracey I didn’t want to talk or see her but she calls me on my back to town and says she’s waiting for me at the cabins.

“Are you going to explain to me what the hell just happened Blake Winthrop?” She asks in her grating, nasal tone. Why did I never notice that before? She crosses her arms and her eyes pierce through me like daggers. Her overly perky fake tits practically spill out of her top.

I’m about to grab a beer when I realize that this calls for something stronger. I pull a tumbler down from the cabinet and fill it three quarters of the way with whiskey. I take several large gulps before I turn to face Tracey.