Page 28 of My Crush's Brother

I start to singMarry Meby Train, “Forever can never be long enough for me. To feel like I’ve had long enough with you.”

It takes her a few lines before her smile drops and turns into shock, her eyes growing wider. “Oh!” Is all she says when I motion for her to look into her champagne flute. She glances down and sees a diamond ring at the bottom.

“What? How?” Tears form in her eyes as she shakily pulls the ring from the glass. I reach out and take it from her, dipping it in the water to rinse it off before placing it at the tip of her ring finger.

“Pearl Davenport, you’re the only woman I see. The only woman I love. The only person I ever want to spend the rest of my life with. Will you marry me?”

“Yes!” She shouts as I slip the finger onto her hand. We hold one another for a moment, both smiling and kissing between ‘I love yous’

“I never in a million years dreamed that this would be my life. That I would find a love like I have with you. I feel like I never truly lived until I met you.”

Extended Epilogue


Ilean against the porch railing of our mountain home, watching as Blake chases our three-year-old daughter Emma through the garden beds he built for me. Her dark curls bounce with each step, and her giggles echo across the property. He catches her and swings her up into his arms, pressing kisses to her cheeks as she squeals with delight.

"Daddy! Down!" she demands, but Blake just holds her tighter, tickling her sides.

"What's the magic word, princess?"


My hand instinctively moves to my growing belly as I watch them together. At seven months pregnant with our second child, a boy this time, I can't help but marvel at how different my life is from what I'd imagined all those years ago.

"Mama! Help!" Emma calls out between giggles.

"Sorry baby, Mama's staying right here where it's cool," I call back, taking another sip of my lemonade. The Colorado summer heat is in full force today.

Blake sets Emma down and she races toward her sandbox—another one of his custom builds. Everything in this house has his signature touch, from the intricate crown molding to thecustom kitchen cabinets. He's limited his out-of-state work to just two projects a year now, and even then, Emma and I usually tag along. We've turned his work trips into family adventures.

"You doing okay?" Blake asks as he climbs the porch steps, wiping sweat from his brow. His hair is longer now, touched with bits of gray at the temples that only make him more handsome.

"Just thinking about how perfect everything turned out," I say as he wraps his arms around me from behind, his hands resting on my belly.

"Remember when you thought you were in love with my brother?" he teases, pressing a kiss to my neck. A fact he still loves to tease me about.

I elbow him playfully. "Remember when you thought I was too young for you?"

"Touché," he laughs. "Speaking of Trevor, did you see the photos Katherine sent of little James? Kid's getting big."

Trevor and Katherine's son just turned two, and they're expecting their second child a few months after us. They visit often, and Emma adores her cousin. It's funny how life works out. I spent so many years pining after Trevor, never realizing his brother was my perfect match all along.

"Mama! Daddy! Look!" Emma shouts, holding up a handful of sand.

"That's beautiful, baby!" I call back, though I have no idea what she's trying to show us.

Blake's hands tighten slightly on my belly as our son kicks. "Active little guy today."

"He takes after his daddy, always moving, always building something."

The sound of tires on gravel draws our attention as Jade's car pulls up. She climbs out, a huge grin across her face as she waves at Emma.

“No Memphis?” Blake asks, clearly looking forward to his weekly hangouts with Jade’s husband.

“No, unfortunately Xander isn’t feeling well so he stayed home with him.” She answers, referring to her son who is usually already out of the car and barreling toward Emma. “But that just means, more time with my favorite niece!" she calls out, and Emma abandons her sandbox to race toward her honorary aunt.

"Just in time for dinner," Blake says, giving me one last kiss before heading inside to check on the grill.