Page 21 of My Crush's Brother

“Not you Casanova? If you can’t figure out a lady issue then we’re in a mess because you were always the one with the talent, not me.”

“It’s Pearl.”

“What? Is she okay? What happened?” I can hear the genuine concern in his voice. Since they reunited a few months back I know they’ve kept in contact here and there so I don’t know if she’s told him anything. My assumption is no by his reaction.

“No you idiot, she’s the...she’s the lady problems.” The silence on the other end of the line is deafening.


“I’m not understanding Blake.” Gone is the jovial tone of his voice and it’s replaced by the unwavering tone our father used to use when we’d messed up something fierce.

“I...I think I’m falling for her man.” I hear a sigh and then a small laugh which relieves my anxiety a bit.

“I was completely joking when I said I thought she had a crush on you but wow! Does she feel the same? Also, how long has this been going on?”

“Listen man, if you want me to walk away I’ll do it. I know you guys have something special and you’re way closer to her than I’ll ever be.”

“Blake, if you love her you better not let her go. Pearl and I have been friends for what feels like forever but that’s all it ever was for me. I know she felt differently and she and I talked through all of that a few weeks ago. Funny enough back then she said she’d met someone and she felt like she was falling for him...I had no idea it was you.”

My heart feels like it’s about to explode, did he just say Pearl told him she was falling for me? Weeks ago?

“Well, with how much I travel for work I asked her what she wanted this thing to be between us and she said we should just enjoy the time we have but when I said something to the same effect it hurt her feelings and she stormed out.”

“Oh Blake you’re an idiot bro. You have to realize if you feel this way about her she probably feels the same way. Imagine if she treated you like were just a convenient piece of ass?” I hang my head and rub my temple realizing how much of a dick I’ve been.

“I did bring up the fact that she was using me to get over you.”

“Okay, if I were there I’d lay you out. You can’t throw that in her face Blake, the hell is wrong with you? Is that how you really fell?”

“I don’t know! Fuck! I’m hurt. I wanted her to tell me she loved me and that she didn’t want to be with you anymore but she just hung her head when I said it. I think she’s young and doesn’t know what she wants yet.” I toss the rest of the stuff in the back of my truck and get in.

“I think that’s a copout. I think you’re both scared and you just need to tell her how you feel.”

“Yeah I know...I just need some time. Thanks for the talk Trevor, I’m going to get on the road.”

“Any time, brother. Just do me a favor please, be good to her and be honest with her. And for god’s sake man, please tell her Tracey called you because that’s the kind of shit that will bite you in the ass if you try and hide it.”



“Iheard back from the Chicago job.” I say between bites of wings.

“And?” Jade asks wiping off the sauce from her chin. She and I have several little traditions, one being wings and beer on Tuesday nights.

“The phone interview went really well and they asked if I could fly out there for an in person interview. I told her I had to wrap something up here this week but I could be out there by Friday morning if that works for them.”

“Awe yay I’m so proud of you and happy!” She pulls me in for a half hug, careful not to get her saucey hands on my shirt.

“You have to wrap up the job at the Winthrop cabin’s this week?” I was hoping she’d skip over that little detail and not ask me what I’d meant.

“Well, that’s part of it yeah. I told Mrs. Winthrop about the job when I applied, I didn’t want to just leave her in a lurch if I got it. But also...Blake.”

She drops her half eaten wing and spins to face me. “Meaning?”

“Well since that night after the Fourth of July dance we’ve kind of been…” I take a long drink of my beer not wanting to say it.

“Spit it out!”