“Uh, sorry I just got out of the shower. Whatcha need?”
“I wanted to ask you if Trevor was coming in tonight? Last time I spoke to him he mentioned that he might make it back in time for the barn dance but he never confirmed so I was just curious?”
Of course that’s why she’s here. I can’t help but roll my eyes and turn back to duck into my bedroom. “No Pearl, loverboy won’t make it tonight. He said something came up and he’s going to be staying in Chicago for a while.” I turn around to read her face but she’s followed me into my room.
I see her glance at the bed and I can’t help but wonder if she’s remembering that night. I pull a t-shirt over my head.
“You’re not wearing that tonight are you?” She points to my outfit.
“Well...I guess not now. Why? What’s wrong with it?”
“Seriously? Blake you look like you’re going to muck stalls.” She says pushing past me.
“It’s a BARN dance Pearl...as in we are dancing in a barn.”
“Here, what’s wrong with this?” She holds up the shirt and vest combo I had pulled out.
“It’s wrinkled and I don’t have an iron.”
“You do know each cabin comes equipped with an iron and iron board in the hall closet right?”
She walks out of my room and I hear her pull something out of the hall closet. “See!” She holds them up before dipping into the bathroom.
“I can do that,” I say reaching for the iron in her hand.
“I highly doubt that.” I watch out of the corner of my eye as she meticulously gets the tip of the iron in all of the corners and seems of the shirt and vest.
“You’ll make someone a lucky man someday.” The words come out before I even realize I’m saying them.
“Why? Because I can clean and cook and iron? This isn’t the nineteen fifties anymore bud.” She gives me a playful wink before handing me back my perfectly ironed clothes and walking back toward the front door.
“Hey,” I say before she leaves. “Thanks, really appreciate it.” I hold up the shirt.
She gives me that same smile she always does, the one that makes my stomach do a flip.
“Anytime. Oh and Blake, don’t wear work boots with that outfit okay? It’s a barn dance, let’s keep it classy.”
An hour later I sip my beer and lean against the bar watching the people of Grand Lake mingle and have a good time. White lights hang from every exposed beam and banister and the band fills the room with lively music. Last year was one of the last times Tracey and I were together. I remember dancing around the barn thinking things were great, not having the slightest hint that she’d pack her bags and leave two days later.
I finish my beer and turn to set it on the bartop when I see Pearl walk in. Her hair is down, falling over her shoulders and down her back in loose curls. Her alabaster skin looks like it’s glowing under all of the lights. She’s wearing a white dress with little pink flowers on it that falls a few inches above her knees. I don’t think I’ve ever seen her bare legs before, they’re thin and shapely, accented with beautiful gold sandals with a small heel. I see her pull something out of her small handbag and then slick it on her lips. I bet it’s the strawberry gloss she was wearing the night she kissed me. I can still taste it.
Before I can turn away she catches me staring and flashes a smile. She walks up to me so confidently now. Gone is the timid girl that used to run away from me.
“Well, well you clean up nice.” She says, playfully hitting her purse against my chest.
“Thanks, you don’t look so bad yourself. I almost forgot you were a girl.” I realize how stupid it sounds as soon as I say it. In my head it was flirty but once I said it, I sounded like an idiot.
“Ha ha. So who are you creeping on up here at the bar? Anyone catch your eye out there? Maybe Miss Mabel? I hear she’s looking for husband number fiiiiive.” She giggles.
What I want to tell her is that she's the one who’s caught my attention. She’s the one I want to hold tightly against my body and savor each moment with. “Nah, I’ve got two left feet. I wouldn’t want to hurt anyone’s toes with these big ol’ feet.” I gesture to my shoes and I see her smile at the fact that I listened to her and didn’t wear my work boots.
“Now I know for a fact that’s a lie. I’ve heard you know your way around the dance floor and I remember you busting some moves last year.”
Before I can respond she waves at Jade and starts to walk toward her, “Hey, save a dance for me.” She semi shouts before running over to her friend like a schoolgirl.
I can’t stay hidden for long, a few of the local ladies nab me for a twirl around the dance floor and I don’t mind. I think I might have dodged Pearl’s request when she materializes behind me. She taps me on the shoulder and I twirl around.
“I’m ready for that dance now.”