I read the message and type out a response.
Sounds good, bring more beer.
A little while later he walks through my front door.
“So, what’s the big news? You sounded depressed in your voicemail so I assume it’s not good.” He hands me a beer as he takes a seat across from me.
“Pearl is in love with you.” He bursts out laughing until he sees the look on my face.
“What? No. What makes you say that?”
“She told me.”
“When?” He looks so confused, and I don’t blame him.
“Well, a few times, but she brought it up again last week. She wanted me to find out if you were into her at all.” His mouth opens and then shuts again. “Look, I realize how ridiculous this sounds and how weirdly high school this entire exchange is but I feel bad for the kid, Trev. She’s crazy about you and I know you love your woman and you’re trying to work it out so I’m kind of in a shit situation here.”
“What do you mean?”
“I don’t want to be the one to hurt her, man. I know it’s going to break her heart and I don’t want to be the asshole that does it.” I can feel my blood pressure rising again.
“You wouldn’t be breaking her heart, it would be on me. So, wait...I’m sure this is just a silly crush now that she’s seen me again after all these years.” He’s clearly not understanding.
“There’s more, Trev.”
“More?” He scoots closer to the edge of the chair. “Like?”
I run my hand over my face; I can’t believe I’m about to tell him this.
“She crawled in my bed one night and got half-naked and kissed me and told me she’s a virgin and asked me to take her.” The words tumble from my mouth in one breath. I fully expect a punch to land on my chin any second but instead, I’m met with a burst of laughter.
“What? Oh my god, that is not what I was expecting you to say. Okay, man, you gotta explain.”
I take a deep breath, still a little confused and in shock. “She thought I was you. She must not have read the cabin numbers right since it was really late at night. It was when you first got to town. I tried to stop her and did before it went too far, but still, it was really damn embarrassing for her.” He’s practically rolling on the floor now with laughter.
“She told me that she’d been in love with you since she was a kid and she’d...she’d saved herself for you.” I feel my cheeks getred from the statement that I practically mumbled through. “So what I’m saying is, this isn’t just a little crush. She’s clearly felt this way for...well, forever it seems.”
He’s stopped laughing, and I can see he’s processing everything now. “Well, shit,” he says, rubbing the back of his head roughly. “I mean...is there any way you can let her down easy for me?”
“Seriously man?” I practically shout as I get up from my chair. “This is just…this is a fucking joke, you know that? This has nothing to do with me and I’ve been dragged into this immature bullshit. Handle your own shit, Trev.”
I turn to walk into the kitchen but turn back to face him.
“And for the record, she’s a good woman. She deserves more than to be blown off. You may not have ever meant to lead her on but somehow you did so you owe it to her and your years of friendship to be honest with her so she can move on.” I’m pointing my finger at him just like our father used to do when we messed up again.
“Message received, Blake. You know, if I didn’t know better, I’d say you’ve developed a little crush on her.” A grin spreads across his face.
“She’s a kid, Trev, don’t be a smartass.”
“A kid? She’s twenty-five, bro. Just because you’re in your thirties doesn’t mean she isn’t a grown woman. You’re deflecting.”
“Bah,” I wave my hand at him defensively. “She’ll always be that annoying little brat that followed you home from school every day. Besides, I don’t have time to get wrapped up with a woman. As soon as the cabin renos are done, my business will be back up and running and I’ll be on the road two to three weeks out of the month. No good woman wants that.”
“Whatever you say, old man.”
“Just promise me you’ll let her down easy, Trevor? Set her straight?”
He gives me a nod before grabbing his keys and heading out the front door.