“I guess your dick isn’t so big after all, huh?” I sneered.

Gil’s eyes shot my way as he pulled his pants on. “You need help.”

That pissed me off.

“My husband betrays me, butI’mthe one that needs help?” I hissed. “Typical.”

“No,” he said just as his shirt fell into place. “You need help because you obviously think that it’s okay to drag innocent people into your drama.” He letout a sigh, eyeing me on the bed. “I was minding my own goddamn business when you reached out to me, Paige. My life was trickling along just fine without you or Harding in it. Now, I have this fucked-up night as a memory in my life, and all because you’re too immature or crazy to handle your problems like an adult.”

“Get out,” I snarled. “You can get out and go to hell.”

“Gladly,” he quipped. “Also, a word of advice…Harding isn’t going to care about any of this. You can tell him all about how we ended up in bed together, but he’s not going to care.”

“You don’t know that,” I argued.

“Honey, he’s already lost interest in you if he’s cheating,” he remarked coldly. “Sleeping with his buddies isn’t going to make him come crawling back. If anything, it’s just going to make him happy that he’s finally getting free from you.”

“Fuck you,” I hissed.

“We already did that, and quite frankly, it wasn’t worth it,” he smirked right before he walked out of the room, his shoes and socks in his hands.

I dropped back on the bed, my body visibly shaking from anger. How dare he change his mind after he had promised me so much. While I still had enough to make my point with Harding, I’d wanted a full night of video that I could edit and put together. Now that Gil had turned out to be a bust, I was going to have to look for someone else to help me make Harding jealous, and all that did was piss me off.

However, the more that I thought about it, maybe going after Harding’s friends had been the wrong way to go about this. While his friends might be onboard with getting their dicks wet, they might not be onboard with hurting or humiliating Harding the way that I wanted to. No, I needed someone that was just as bitter as I was.

Chapter 17


After seeing where all Paige was willing to go with all of this, I’d chosen to get a new number for work, and the plan was to eventually transfer all of my contacts over. However, since I needed to separate her from my work as much as possible, I’d gotten a new phone last night, then had spent the rest of the evening sending all my work contacts my new number.

I also wasn’t worried about preventing Paige from being able to get a hold of me. As long as I had a social media account, she could always message me through that. Plus, if it got to the point where I had to block her there also, she could always email me. I just really needed a new number to distance the people that I knew from the Paige that was showing her face.

So, armed with my new number, I’d been able to leave my old phone in my truck while at work, and that had brought on a feeling of peace that had made my morning a decent one. However, now that lunch was upon us, I decided to check the phone just in case.

What had surprised me was a text from Gil, asking me to call him when I had the chance. Now, while I considered Gil and I to be friends, we didn’t hang out much outside baseball season. We were both teammates for a county league that we played in, and if we got together for beers, it was usually after a game. Still, if he was texting me, it was probably because Paige had gotten to the Gs in my list of contacts.

However, that came before a barrage of texts from an unknown number, and even though everything in me told me to wait until after work to open the messages, I couldn’t. With Paige out of control the way that she was, I needed to know what she was up to, so that I could inform the police if nothing else. I also had no doubt that the texts were from her and her text messaging app.

The first text was a picture of her with a dick in her mouth, and with my appetite now gone, my lunch was immediately forgotten. Stunned, I could only stare at the photo and pray that it wasn’t my dick that she was sucking on.

Suddenly, my mind quickly raced through the past five years, trying to remember if we’d ever filmed anything, and panic was threatening to make an appearance when I couldn’t remember. However, as I got a better look at thepicture, I didn’t recognize the room, though it was obviously a motel room of sorts, and a rather nondescript one.

When I began scrolling through her messages, it became clear what this was. Paige was trying to make me jealous, so she’d obviously hooked up with someone recently, and this was the result. The pictures were all coming from the same angle, so my guess was that she had recorded the event, then had edited what she could. The man’s face was nowhere to be seen, but my mind immediately went back to Gil’s sudden need for me to call him.

Jesus Christ.

All in all, the pictures had them in different positions, but nothing out of the ordinary. They looked like private photos that you could find on any couple’s computer, but it also had me wondering if the guy even knew that she had recorded them to send this shit to me.

The last text had a video attached, and a part of me wanted to immediately delete it all, but I needed this evidence for the police. Yeah, the texts had all come from an unknown number, but there was no mistaking that it was Paige in the pictures, and while she could argue that the messages had come from her partner, no one was going to believe that.

I set the phone down on the seat of my truck, not being able to identify what I was feeling. While most people would be feeling hurt and jealous, I was feeling neither. I felt upset and nauseous that things had come to this, but that was about it. Maybe I would have felt more if I believed that she was actually involved with the guy, but I knew that she wasn’t. She had orchestrated this just to get even with me, though it didn’t work. I cared about Trista, and so that was what made the difference here. I hadn’t cheated on my wife for a quick piece of ass. I hadn’t betrayed Paige just to get my dick wet with someone new and exciting. Feelings had come into play way before the sex, and that was what was at the heart of my mistakes. It was easy to turn down pussy, but feelings for another person not so much.

There was also Gil to consider if he really was the man in the pictures. Was he aware that Paige had recorded them? Had he been a part of this from the beginning? It was hard to believe that he’d done this purposely to hurt me, and after seeing what all Paige was capable of, I could easily see her manipulating him to go to a motel room with her. Gil Clemens wasn’t a bad guy, so it was going to be hard to fault him, knowing what I knew.

Taking my chances, I grabbed my old phone, then dialed Gil’s number. Though it was in the middle of the day, I was hoping that he’d answer. He worked as a delivery driver for UPS, so it was possible that I could catch him on his lunch.

He answered after only two rings. “Hey, Harding.”