I let out a deep breath before telling them every single embarrassing detail of these past few days. I also didn’t leave anything out. Part of taking responsibility for what I’d done was to be completely transparent in trying to clean up this mess.
When I was finished with telling them everything, Officer Boone said, “You do realize that most of this can’t be proven, right?”
I nodded. “I’m aware.”
“Even the phone calls could be argued that it was someone thatsoundedlike her,” he went on. “It will be almost impossible to prove that she’s behind all this. Even the encounter with your mother is a she said/she said situation. While cameras and witnesses can prove that your wife was the one to approach your mother, what was said during their conversation can’t be proven.”
“I know that,” I replied tiredly. “However, since I don’t know what she’s capable of doing next, I thought it’d be a good idea to report what she’s done so far. I never imagined that she’d confront my mother at the grocery store, nor report a false claim of a hit and run.”
“Do you believe that she’s dangerous?” Officer Clinton asked, finally speaking.
“I don’t want to believe it, but I honestly don’t know,” I answered truthfully. “If you had asked me a week ago if I thought that she was capable of harassing innocent people, I would have said no.”
“Is there any chance of you reconciling with her?” Officer Clinton asked, her dark gaze trying to read me.
“No. Absolutely not,” I told her. “Even if there’d been a chance before, there isn’t one now. I can’t look past everything that she’s done.”
“We’ll speak with her,” Officer Clinton announced. “We’ll let her know that what she’s doing falls under the legal cause of civil harassment and a case could even be made for domestic harassment since the two of you are married.”
“Can I get a restraining order on her?” I asked, feeling like a bit of a pussy.
“You can try,” Officer Boone answered. “However, because nothing can be proven, a judge might dismiss it as non-criminal at this time.”
“I just…I just want her to leave my family alone,” I told them honestly. “I want this to remain between me and her, and I want her to just leave everyone else be.”
“Does your girlfriend still have the text about her children?” Officer Clinton asked.
I nodded. “Yes.”
“Then maybe she can try to get the restraining order,” she suggested. “Restraining orders are public record and come up on background checks. If she’s made aware that a restraining order may be filed against her, it might scare her some.”
“At this point, I’ll try anything,” I admitted.
“Can you give us her work schedule, so that we can arrange to speak with her?” Officer Boone asked.
“She works Monday through Friday at Serenity Manor on Linder Street,” I answered. “Her shift starts at eight and ends at five. Normally, she goes straight home after work, but with everything going on right now, I have no idea what she does after work now. I haven’t been home since I told her everything.”
“Well, to let you know, this is our Friday, and this is not considered a legal emergency,” Officer Boone stated evenly. “So, we will share our notes during our shift pass down and let our fellow officers know to be on the lookout in case something else happens.”
In other words, my problems could wait.
Chapter 14
Frank Indigo never replied to my ‘accidental’ message, so fuck him. Now, while it would have been great to have him on my side, I wasn’t going to waste any more time on him. Besides, I had a list of people that would hit closer to home for what I planned on doing next.
As I posted my latest inspirational meme, a DM notification popped up, and I couldn’t help but smile. I was about to throw Harding a surprise curveball, and no one deserved it more.
Gil Clemens:Don’t feel bad about reaching out. Sometimes you just need to talk to someone that isn’t so close to the situation.
Me:I knew that you’d understand. Out of all of Harding’s friends, I always thought that you were the most insightful.
Gil Clemens:I try to be. After all, listening is what really helps a person get through the hard times, and I’m really sorry to hear that you and Harding are going through this.
I rolled my eyes.
I couldn’t help it.