“So…so, you just let someone else use your phone?” I questioned, though I knew that she was lying. I’d been with this woman for five years, and her phone had been practically glued to her hands the entire time. “You’re just…just handing your phone out for anyone to use?”
“Maybe I just approved the messages,” she remarked casually.
“What?” I shook my head, even though she couldn’t see me. “What does that even mean?”
“Look, it’s not my fault that your shame has become public-”
“Then whose fault would it be?” I squawked. “I’m not the one telling anyone.”
“-and it’s not my fault that your friends and family are siding with me, which they should quite frankly,” she finished.
“What in the hell are you talking about? No one is siding with anyone,” I informed her. “They’re all just trying to mind their own damn business.”
“Well, a secret this terrible was bound to come out at some point, Harding,” she said, and I was having such trouble following this goddamn conversation. “Did you really think that no one would find out?”
“Of course, people were going to find out,” I practically snapped. “However, not this way. Not with you posting things on social media and calling people to tell them.”
“I didn’t call anyone,” she lied again.
“Paige, you’re lying,” I finally said, unable to keep from calling her out.
After a poignant moment of silence, she said, “I think that you’re the last person that should be remarking on someone’s integrity, Harding. If anyone’s a liar here, it’s you.”
“I never lied to you, Paige,” I pointed out, though it was a weak argument. “I told you as soon as I crossed the line. I might not have known how to address our failing marriage, but I didn’t lie.”
“Are you seriously daring to argue semantics with me?” she huffed. “You’ve betrayed everything that our love stood for, and you’re going to dare say that you never lied to me?”
I pictured our wedding day, and this was not the same woman that I’d fallen in love with. That day, Paige had been a radiant bride and a beacon of beauty, and she’d been positively beautiful. At five-foot-five, she had dark auburn hair, deep brown eyes, and she’d never been one to shy away from a fresh face. Paige was comfortable with or without makeup, and I used to love that about her. She was also very body positive, and though she had minor complaints like most women, she hadn’t ever gone the direction of plastic or cosmetic surgery. Paige had an average frame, and it suited her, giving her a subtle femininity that I had always appreciated.
However, I didn’t recognize any beauty about the woman on the phone right now. I wasn’t sure what kind of game she was playing, but to deny what she’d done was crazy. How could she honestly believe that none of this would trace back to her? How could she possibly think that she’d get away with all this?
Deciding to try a different approach, I said, “Paige, I think it’d be best to handle this with a bit more discretion going forward.”
“You have no right to tell me what’s the best way to process my hurt emotions, Harding,” she replied. “If it wasn’t for you, none of this would be happening.”
“On that we agree,” I quickly replied, giving her what she was owed. “But I still think that there is a better way to handle this.”
“I am handling this the best way that I can,” she bit out tartly. “In the meantime, maybe you should stay away from your whore if you’re so concerned with what people think.”
I counted to five again, trying to rein in my frustrations. While I wasn’t exactly mad at her, I wasn’t feeling very charitable, either. She was turning this thing into a circus and lying about it, making this conversation painfully unproductive.
“Look, I think we need some more time to…to get a grasp on things,” I said. “Would it be possible for us to talk after work on Monday?”
“Depends on how I’m feeling,” she answered. “I might have to take Monday off if I’m still feeling this heartbroken and dejected.”
Jesus Christ.
“Okay, then…then you call me when you’re ready to talk,” I suggested. “I’ll make the time.”
“Well, it’s the least that you can do, don’t you think?”
I let out a deep breath. “I’m really sorry, Paige. I really am. This is not how…if I could go back and do things differently, I would.”
“Oh, you mean that you would have dumped me months ago as opposed to sleeping around on me?” she bit out. “How very noble of you.”
“Paige, c’mon,” I sighed. “We need to have an adult conversation about this.”
“Well, when I’m feeling adult enough for you, I’ll let you know.”