“Well, since both of their faces are very visible in these, I say to save them in case we need to use them later,” I answered, not really wanting her to have a goddamn sex tape of her ex-boyfriend, but also needing all the ammo necessary to end Paige’s reign of terror.
“Are you going to check your phone?”
“Do I have to?”
Trista chuckled as she said, “It’s like ripping off a band-aid, Harding.”
Shaking my head, I pulled my old phone from my pocket, and sure enough, Paige’s name was on the fucking screen, and I started reading her text against my better judgement.
Paige:As u can c, uv been replaced. Kirk is 10x the man that u could ever b, n I actually feel sorry 4 Trista. She chose the wrong man, but her mistakeis my blessing. Kirk is better than u n every way, n he knows what it really means 2 luv sum1.
“Oh, fuck,” I muttered.
“It’s a text, telling me how I’ve been replaced, and that Kirk knows what it really means to love someone,” I told her.
“Wait, what?” she asked, sounding just as confused as I felt right now. “She’s…she’s saying that they’re in love? Already?”
Paige:I’ll b glad 2 sign ur stupid divorce papers now that Ive found my true soulmate. I understand now that God made me experience u and Patrick so that I could really appreciate what a truthful soul Kirk is. I will never take him 4 granted like uv done me.
“She’s saying that they’re soulmates,” I went on.
“What?” Trista choked out. “What in the hell?”
“I…” I shook my head. “I don’t know…I don’t know what this is.”
“Could she just be saying all that to make you jealous?” she suggested. “I mean…otherwise, that’s pretty wild, Harding. They’ve only just met…what? At the most, a few days? It’s only been a week since you told her everything.”
“I don’t know,” I repeated. “I…this could be all a lie, but…honestly, I don’t know if I should feel grateful that she’s moved on or warn the poor man.”
Paige:Unlike u and ur whore, me n Kirk r going 2 last 4ever. He’s going 2 luv me like I deserve 2 b luvd, n Im going 2 luv him back the same way. Meanwhile, ur relationship is going 2 crumble as soon as u get tired of her, like u got tired of me.
“Harding, are you sure that she’s not crazy?” Trista asked again as she read the texts with me. “Because this shit is insane.”
Paige:But now that Iv found true happiness n am moving on, with or without that woman n ur life, I’ll continue 2 pray 4 u n hope that u eventually get right with God.
I set the phone down on the table, then looked over at Trista. “I have no idea what to think right now.”
“Neither do I,” she muttered. “But…I can’t see it being love for Kirk. At least, not at this stage in the game. He’s not…he likes the chase. He’s a wooer, and if she’s fawning all over him already, I can’t see it lasting. He likes to do the impressing.”
“Seriously, a part of me feels like we should warn him that she’s saying this stuff,” I replied, feeling genuine concern for this stranger.
“I don’t see that being a good idea,” she remarked. “He was very bitter when I called things off, so I can’t see him welcoming any kind of conversation from either you or me.”
“So…then we should just…just let it be and hope for the best?” I asked, that plan not really sitting well with me.
“No, not necessarily,” she answered. “I just think…maybe we…we wait it out a bit. She could have just sent that to try to piss you off.”
“Well, they were in our bedroom, so I can see that,” I reluctantly agreed. “I just…if she isn’t fucking around, how scary is that?”
“Crazy usually is scary, Harding,” she sighed.
“Yeah, I guess it is.”
Chapter 28