“Just wait until you see me in a lot of other positions,” I teased back.

“Oh, I’m looking forward to it,” he chuckled darkly, and I could feel myself falling deeply into those green eyes of his. “I’m looking forward toallof it, darling.”

When I was finished taking off his shoes and socks, I reached for his pants and underwear, then pulled them completely off, leaving him sitting naked on my bed, and he looked good there. However, it was obvious that I was going to have to remove all traces of Harding from this house soon, as I didn’t want Kirk feeling like he was competing with someone that wasn’t even in his league.

With Kirk’s clothes puddled before me, I stood up, then stepped back, ready to put on the best striptease of his life. The camera was on, and I was going to be the best show on earth tonight. I was going to show Harding everything that he’d given up and how I belonged to Kirk now.

“I’m going to give you a night that you will never forget,” I promised as I pulled my shirt up over my head, giving him a teasing taste of what was in store for him.

“Well, I’m here for it,” he replied as his eyes stayed glued to my body.

Yeah, this was definitely going to be one hell of a night.

Chapter 27


“Jesus Christ, is this chick for real?”

I turned to see Trista, standing next to her car, staring at her phone, and she could only be referring to one person. We’d just come back from picking up her kids, and so, while I had the kids corralled next to me, Trista was staring at her phone, not moving.

“What is it?”

Her green eyes looked up over at me, and I watched her shake her head tiredly. “She sent me some pictures and a video of her and one of my ex-boyfriends.”

I glanced down at the kids as I could only imagine what Paige had sent Trista. “How about we get inside, get the kids settled, and then…then deal with this?”

Trista gave me a tight nod before shutting the car door, then making her way towards us. Luckily, there wasn’t a whole lot of packing involved with trading off the kids, so it’d been nothing to get them into the house, then settled in their rooms. With dinner already eaten and tomorrow a Monday, the rest of the evening would be relatively easy.

Once the kids were all busy doing their thing, I met Trista in the kitchen, her phone already on the table. “Go ahead and look,” she said.

Even so fucking tired of Paige’s shit, I grabbed Trista’s phone anyway. When I pulled up the texts, it was a repeat of what she had sent with Gil, except for this time, the couple in the pictures hadn’t been in a motel room. Paige had gone so far as to take this man to our house and into our bedroom for this little show, and I honestly didn’t know how to feel about that. A part of me was angry that she kept going to extremes and making things worse, but then another part of me felt sorry for her. She was sleeping with these men to make me jealous, but all I felt was embarrassed for her. She kept sinking lower and lower, and I was just so damn tired of it all.

“Who is he?” I asked as I scrolled through the pictures, my eyes glued like rubbernecking a terrible car wreck.

“Kirk Nabers,” she answered. “I dated him for a few months last year, and he wanted to get serious while I hadn’t seen our relationship like that. Whenhe pushed for more of a commitment, I said no, and he kind of lost it. He started accusing me of using him for his money, which made no sense.”

I looked up from the phone. “Why?”

“While he was very generous, I hadn’t ever asked him for anything,” she explained. “It was like…I don’t know. It was like he’d been trying to buy my love, but when it didn’t work out that way, he threw everything that he’d ever done for me or bought me in my face.” Trista shrugged her shoulders, seemingly confused by the entire thing. “I don’t know…I’d been under the impression that he was just a giver, but I guess his generosity had come with strings attached.”

I looked back at the phone, and I couldn’t help but swear as I fell deeper into her rabbit hole. “Jesus fucking Christ.”

“What? What is it?”

As soon as Trista was standing next to me, I angled the phone in her direction. “She’s wanting you to know how much I suck in bed, and how you were stupid for trading in a stud like Kirk for me.”

“I’ll be a sonofabitch,” she drawled out. “She really used the word ‘stud’.”

“Oh, look…there’s another video,” I deadpanned.

“What does she think this is going to accomplish?” Trista asked, genuinely baffled by Paige’s behavior, yet she wasn’t the only one. “I still don’t understand any of this.”

“I have no idea.”

Just then, my old phone chimed with an incoming text, and my stomach actually cramped with the sound. Anymore, I wished that I didn’t have to own a fucking phone. With Paige owning one, it was like the work of Satan at play, and I wanted nothing to do with it.

Trista grabbed her phone from my hands as she said, “What do you want me to do with these texts?”