I don’t look at him, reaching for my doppio instead. “Nothing. And, I just double checked. Our meetings were re-scheduledto tomorrow considering the quarterly review is the priority. It’s called effective calendar management. You should try it sometime.”

Royce smirks, dropping into one of the chairs. “Right. Calendar management in the form of your new assistant. So is that why you’re suddenly in a rush to return to the office? Gonna make sure she’s not actually a unicorn?”

Urul hides his face in his hands. “Please tell me you’re not going to go and micromanage this one away or scare her off? Please? I’m literally begging here.”

“I do not scare my employees,” I say flatly.

Urul lets out a booming laugh. “Khanner, you terrify people just by existing.”

I ignore them both, finishing my espresso.

Urul drops into a chair catty corner to me, folding his hands. “Let me see if I follow. The Boardroom interviews are scheduled until end of day Thursday. We are scheduled to leave this hotel on Friday morning. Yet you intend to be in Obsidian City first thing Friday rather than taking the meeting virtually as originally intended. Am I getting this right?”

“You make it seem like there’s not a nearby Rift Gate conveniently located in the sublevels of this hotel,” I say, keeping my voice even. “Besides, it’s professional to meet my assistant face-to-face.”

Royce tilts his head. “Professional. Sure.”

“She’s good at her job. That’s all,” I reply smoothly.

Royce lets out a low whistle. “Whoa. Did you hear that, Urul? First he says he likes her calendar and now she’s good at her job. I don’t think I’ve ever heard you compliment any of your assistants, and here we have two in one hour.”

I shoot him a dry look. “I don’t give undeserved compliments.”

Urul arches a brow. “Meaning?”

“Meaning nothing. I’m just saying Sunny deserved them.”

A beat of silence.

Then Urul grins. “Marry her immediately.”

Tendrils of smoke curl from the corners of my mouth.

Royce chuckles as he leans against my desk. “Why not? It worked for Urul. Could work for you.”

I level my draconic stare at both of them.

Instead of dignifying them with a response, I simply flick on my financials screens and return to my espresso, diligently ignoring their presence as I return to actual business.

One day.

In one day, my new assistant is already managing my calendar, my workflow, and my expectations without a single misstep.

I should be relieved.

Instead, I feel something far more unsettling.

An undeniable pull.

I don’t just approve of her work.

I like it.

There is something about Sunny Adlawan—the way she took control of the meeting, adjusted without hesitation, and handled my expectations flawlessly.

Competence is attractive.

I have never looked twice at a human before.