And for the first time, I do something ridiculous.
I shift—just a little.
Just enough.
A hint of wings unfurl.
My pupils slit.
The edges of my skin shimmer, revealing faint scale-like markings.
It’s enough.
Enough to make me look inhumanly real.
Enough to seal her victory.
And I would do it again.
Because she deserves this.
Because she is mine.
Chapter Twelve
Sunny Adlawan
I should be panicking.
The stage lights are blinding, the flashes from cameras nonstop, and yet I’m somehow not afraid.
Maybe because Khanner is still holding my hand.
Maybe because, after all the nerves, all the self-doubt, I did what I came here to do.
I gave it my best.
And I’m so damn happy.
“Holy shit,” Mei breathes, appearing at my side. “I can’t believe that just happened.”
“Me neither,” I laugh, still half in shock.
Khanner, standing imposingly beside me, doesn’t say anything, but I feel the weight of his steady presence.
Mei looks between us. “Okay, so… what now?”
I hesitate, suddenly very aware that I left a whole work conference for this.
Khanner probably wants to go back.
Or, you know. Fire me.
I open my mouth to say we should probably leave, but Khanner beats me to it.
“We’re staying.”