His expression doesn’t change. “Good. Then you’ll enjoy the accommodations I’ve arranged for you.”
I narrow my eyes. “Accommodations?”
The answer comes about an hour later, after I’m fully settled into my absurdly luxurious suite.
A knock at the door reveals a massage therapist and an aesthetician, both sent by Khanner.
I blink. “Wait. What?”
“The CFO insists you relax,” the massage therapist says with a professional smile.
I sputter as they gently usher me inside. “He—he did what?”
“Your stress levels were noted in your file,” the aesthetician adds, setting up her station.
My file.
I grab my phone and text Mei:
Sunny:Khanner just sent a massage therapist to my room.
Sunny:This is ridiculous.
Mei:No, this is ELITE girlfriend treatment. Please tell me there’s a fruit platter and infused water.
Sunny:There IS. What the hell.
Despite my protests, I don’t fight it.
Because honestly?
A massage and a skincare treatment sound incredible.
And I actually do feel better afterward.
By the timethe corporate meet-and-greets wrap up, I’m pleasantly exhausted but still wired.
I text Mei to let her know I’ll be on my way soon.
Sunny:Meetings are done. Making my excuses, then I’m sneaking out.
Mei:YASSS. The con floor is insane already. You have to see it.
Sunny:Just gotta change first.
I’m halfway to my suitcase, ready to swap my business attire for something casual, when there’s a knock at my door.
I freeze.
Then, in the deepest, most unfairly smooth voice, Khanner says, “I brought tea.”
Damn it.
I hesitate for only a second before sighing and opening the door.