He walks over to me, the look on his face more severe now that I've acknowledged him.
His two closest friends flank either side, and all my senses perk up, adrenaline slicing through my veins as I feel an approaching fight coming on.
I rack my brain, questioning my instincts. Daniel has no reason to be mad at me, let alone try to fight me. We just had a badass practice and won a playoff game last night for fuck’s sake. Is the veteran mad because he didn't have enough ice time? That shit is expected after being on the team so long, and I always thought he was fine with that.
He stops in front of me, his jaw flexing, hands fisted at his side.
“What the fuck is your problem?” I finally ask.
Lawson and Pax must hear the tone of my voice, because the two of them head across the locker room and flank my side, the sight of the six of us staring each other down creating quite the scene.
“Your girlfriend is my fucking problem,” Daniel snaps.
I shift my weight. The dude looks ready to throw a swing, and I’ve got no idea why. “What the hell are you talking about, man?”
Daniel shifts closer.
I've never seen him so livid. He’s usually the guy who opts to man the grill at Clay’s parties—full dad vibes.
But not right now.
“Your fucking girlfriend,” he says again, so close that he almost spits in my face. “She's ruining my goddamn life. She doesn’t even have the respect to respond to me, and you couldn't care less. Too busy worshipping the ground she walks on over giving twoshitsabout your teammates. The people you've played with for years.” He shoves me backward, a forceful blow that has me coming back in a full swing on instinct.
Pax grabs my arm, hauling me backward before I make connection with Daniel's jaw.
“I don't have a clue what you're talking about!”
“Act like you're clueless,” Daniel fires back. “I'm getting death threats!” he yells. “People are showing up at my house. Women are bombarding my wife with messages. All because of those videos Reese has been posting. My wife is scared to go out in public!”
Daniel rushes me again, but Lawson and Pax are holding me back, so I can't block the shove and the three of us stumble backward before we regain balance.
“You think you would fucking care,” he says. “You think you would step up and talk some sense into her. No amount of views or brand deals is worth this.”
All I see is red, barely hearing his words and only feeling his aggression as I try to break free of my friends’ hold.
Daniel takes a swing, but one of his friends stops him, and then there's a whole hell of a lot of Captain barging in the middle of us.
“Break it the fuck up,” Kiplin snaps, glaring at us. “I don't know what the fuck this is about but it's not happening here. You two twats are not going to bring down the entire team when we’re on a winning high. Grow up and act like the adults instead of territorial teenagers.”
Daniel and his friends shake their heads, but they listen to Clay, flipping me off before heading back to their lockers.
Lawson and Pax finally let me go. I stand statue-still for a few moments, doing my best to quell the rage trickling into my veins.
How the fuck can they blame Reese for some followers’ actions?
Clay looks at me, something like pity shaping his face. “She hasn't taken the video down.”
“What?” I ask, glancing at Pax and Lawson for confirmation.
They both cringe but nod.
“She hasn't turned the comments off either,” Clay continues. “The video that's getting the most views is the one stirring up all this intensity.”
Doubt slips into my chest, grabbing on to that distance I've felt and shaking it up.
“She can't know,” I say. “That's the only explanation,” I continue. “Reese would never condone leaving a video up if it was causing this much damage. Not just for the views.”
“Have you two not talked about it?” Pax asks.