Monroe chuckles again, using both hands to push and poke and grip the muscle within an inch of its life.
I'm pretty sure I black out for a second.
“Are you coming out with us tonight?” I manage to force out the words through the pain.
“I think so,” she says. “Liam said something about looking up somewhere for us all to meet up.”
“Fuck, Liam? That's still going on?” I ask.
I knew she'd gone on a date with him for Valentine's Day, but I didn't realize she wasstilldating him a month later.
Damn, Pax hadn't mentioned anything. I'd been so wrapped up in the season and Reese that I hadn't even noticed. Either that or he was very good at hiding his feelings on the matter. Or maybe he’d finally moved on, even though he never admitted he started in the first place.
“Yes,” she says a little defensive. “Let me guess, you don't like him either?”
“Who else doesn't like him?”
“Pax,” she says. “And Lawson has expressed his opinion when he's on my table too.”
“He's just... he doesn't seem nice enough for you,” I finally say, not wanting to outright air out all of the guy’s dirty laundry. Monroe is an intelligent and capable woman. She doesn’t need me telling her who’s good enough for her.
“Pax said something similar,” she says, still working the hell out of my muscle. “But I don't know, he's super nice to me. And he's direct. Tells me exactly what he wants, when he wants it. It's kind of refreshing.”
I try really fucking hard not to read between the lines on that statement, but I can't help but wonder if she's referring to Paxton and how he can look at her like she hung the moon and yet never tell her as much.
But then again, I've never had a friendship like theirs, and couldn't even begin to understand the complications and risks that come with crossing any kind of romantic lines.
“Few more seconds,” she says, increasing her pressure so much I have to clench my eyes shut. “There it is,” she says. “It's finally loosened up.” She eases up on her intensity, letting the muscle go long enough to grab some of that ice cold tingling lotion she loves to slather on me, practically drenching myshoulder with it before heading over to the sink to wash her hands.
The relief hits me in one big wave, making me slightly dizzy. I lift my shoulder, rotating my arm in a full circle, and breathe out a sigh in relief.
“You are a magician,” I say, the tension melting out of me now that the intense pain is gone. “I'm buying your drinks tonight.”
Monroe laughs, shaking her head as she dries off her hands. “I'm pretty sure Liam will be buying my drinks tonight, but if you want to argue with him about it, I'm sure Reese will find it really entertaining.”
Just the mention of Reese's name has my smile widening, and Monroe grins right back at me.
“Look at you,” she says. “Going all moon-eyed just at the mention of my best friend.”
“I have no idea what you're talking about.” I hop off of her table, slipping my shirt back on.
She cocks a brow at me as I head toward the door.
“Don’t tell anyone?” I ask, planting her with my bestpleasesmile.
“I would never.” She shakes her head. “See you guys soon.”
I give her a wave and close the door behind me, happy to not see anybody else standing in line waiting to see her. I knew she was joking about overtime earlier. If players needed her, she’d make sure to work on them even if it took her all night.
I head back into the locker room, grabbing my gear bag while I pull out my phone and send Reese a quick text, telling her I'll pick her up at the hotel after I change.
The team bus makes it to the hotel in record time, and I get ready just as quickly, knocking on Reese and Blakely's hotel room door within fifteen minutes.
“Everyone ready?” I ask as Reese opens the door, revealing Blakely, Lawson, and Pax hanging out in her room. “Or are we partying in here tonight?”
“While that sounds fun,” Reese says, motioning down to the hunter green dress she wears. “I put this on for an outing. If you say we're staying here, I'm changing back into my sweats.”
“I'm prepared to tell you you're beautiful in either,” I say, and my friends in the back sayawwso loud that it makes me laugh.