Hadley rolls her eyes. “Why do you think I agreed to meet up with you in the first place?”
I smile at her, my chest feeling a little lighter. I’m pretty sure I have the best sister on the planet.
We finish up breakfast, and I give her a hug outside of the restaurant before we part ways, her going back to campus and me heading toward my car.
“Yo, Stokehill,” I hear a familiar voice call my name.
I pause just outside of my car, noticing Liam and his buddies heading over to me.
“What's up?” I ask when they reach me.
“I wanted to ask you something,” one of Liam’s buddies, Darrell, says to me. I cock a brow at him, waiting. “I just saw that video of you and Reese last night,” he says. “At the club?”
I shift my weight, my hackles rising slightly at the mention of Reese.
Relax, I tell myself. Jealousy is not necessary with these guys.
“I'm wondering if the two of you are serious? Or if it's all just to keep getting attention for the page?”
A laugh rips from my lips, the idea of himeverhaving a shot with Reese downright amusing. Hell,Idon't even know how I ended up lucky enough to be able to be with her, but this guy? I've seen him get slapped by more girls than anyone else I've ever seen before.
I reel in my laughter, sucking in a deep breath. “Sorry,” I say. “I didn't realize you were being serious. But, my relationship with her is really none of your business.”
“Oh, so it's like that?” he asks, a little bitterness coating his once casual tone.
“Pretty much,” I say, giving him a shrug. Every instinct in my body is roaring to lay claim to her. To say she belongs to me as much as I announced at the bowling alley that I belonged to her. But she's never said the words herself, so I don't feel like I have a right to do that.
Hadley is right, we really need to have this discussion.
“I know she helped you get some endorsement deals,” Darrell continues. “I'm hoping maybe she can help me the same way she's helping you.”
I don't miss the way he shapes the words, somehow something so innocent sounding downright inappropriate, but I don't dignify it with the response that he's clearly wanting. A reaction that will get him five minutes of fame, earning a punch from the wild Nash Stokehill of the Bangor Badgers.
“Yeah,” I say. “Maybe she can. Good luck with that,” I say before getting into my car and driving off without saying goodbye.
I'm not usually such a dick, but that trio really gets under my skin. They talk shit about Coach behind his back, not to mention they have a complete lack of respect whenever the team goes out.
They're just bad news, but their decent hockey skills landed them a spot on the rookie roster. There's nothing I can do about that but hope maybe they grow up a little bit in the next year or so.
Can't believe Monroe is dating one of them.
I head to practice an hour later, and it's grueling, but satisfying in the best way. We’re in the playoffs, something the team hasn’t managed in years. Every practice feels like a step toward the Cup now.
I grab a quick shower at my place, and then I'm jumping in the car again and heading to Reese’s. A cozy night in is exactly what the two of us need.
Our schedules have been ridiculous, but all with things we love and are passionate about so I guess we can't complain. I do miss having more time with her, and sometimes wish when I get home, she'd be there waiting for me.
“Hi!” she greets me with a smile, throwing her arms around me after she's opened her door.
I pick her up, kicking the door closed behind me as I bury my nose in her neck, inhaling deeply, all the tension in my muscles and chest melting the second I have her in my arms.
I pull back enough to give her a kiss, my eyes closing and my mind narrowing to nothing but her. My heart feels full, my entire being centered and focused andwholein a way that’s only been happening around her lately.
She smiles against my kiss, never once pulling away until I do.
“I have Netflix all queued up,” she says as I set her back on her feet.