I feel the blood rush to my cheeks. "I— We're just?—"
Wren waves a hand, dismissing my stammering. "It’s okay. I get it. My brother is a handsome dude. And it’s obvious that he worships you, too."
My eyes widen with shock. What is she talking about??
Before I can protest, Wren's eyes flick past me. She sits up straighter. I turn to see Jay walking toward us. He’s got this relaxed stride that belies the intensity I know lurks beneath the surface.
"How's it going?" he asks. He takes an empty chair from a nearby table and spins it around to sit down. "What’d I miss?"
I look to Wren, wondering if she’ll spill everything. My not-so-sneaky interrogation. Her observations about me. Her thoughts about Jay liking me. Instead, Wren just smiles, her eyes sparkling with mischief. "Nothing important," she says.
I let out a breath I didn’t know I was holding. Jay looks from Wren to me, then back to Wren. It’s as if trying to decipher a code. "O-kay," he says, "Be cryptic. The real question is, do y’all have room for dessert?"
“You’re having dessert?” Wren asks.
He looks at me meaningfully. “I sure hope so.”
My cheeks glow so red that I’m not sure they’ll ever cool down again.
Today was supposed to be a simple exercise in playing our parts. We were just doing our best to make the whole marriage look convincing.
Some wrap up line.
Should another chapter go here where they are not doing something wild? Where they are just hanging out or being interviewed?
"Ready for our next adventure?”Jay asks. He’s in the driver’s seat, taking us toward our next sponsored stop.
I squint. Instead of answering, I say, “Aren’t you worn out? This has probably been the longest week of my entire life. You conveniently forgot to mention that.”
He grins and hands me a brochure. The words "Ultimate Ropes Course" leap off the page and strangle my courage. I can feel the blood drain from my face.
“I’m looking forward to it. I’ve never done a ropes course before,” Jay goes on.
"Heights are my archnemesis," I squeak, hoping he'll show mercy. “You can’t really expect me to go along for the ride when I think we both know it’s basically a death trap.”
Jay gives me a funny look. “But you were okay with the Ferris wheel?”
“Okay. I amend my phrasing. I hate being really high up without a floor under my feet. Thus, Ferris wheel, totally cool. Ropes course? Not so much.”
“Well, I guess I can manage on my own.” He shrugs, allnonchalance and playfulness. "But I think my fans will be disappointed. Not to mention that Blake was jazzed about coming here."
Blake? Oh, fuck no. She had her chance and threw it away. My competitive spirit ignites faster than the fire on a flambéed dessert.
“On second thought… maybe I will do fine.” The lie comes out of my mouth weird.
Jay narrows his eyes at me, sensing my awkwardness. “Are you sure?”
I swallow. All I can imagine is me falling off some terrifyingly high ledge and going splat. I feelgreen. “Absolutely,” I bluff. “It’ll be… fun.”
If he has any reservations about that statement being true, he wisely keeps them to himself.
We arrive at the course, a towering labyrinth of ropes and platforms that looks like it was designed by a sadistic Boy Scout. I swallow hard. Jay surveys the course with the casual interest of a man inspecting his lawn after a light rain. I, on the other hand, probably look like I'm about to hurl.
He reaches out to me, cupping my elbow. "You're sure you're okay?" he asks. Genuine concern softens his chiseled features.