Her eyes are on my torso. She realizes that I see her looking at me and her cheeks color. "Yep. Totally ready."
She stares at me for another beat and then lies down, turning onto her side and facing away from me. I lie back, staring at the dimly lit ceiling for a moment before settling in. The sheets rustle, then silence again. I can hear the sound of her steady breathing.
"Calla," I say softly. She doesn’t respond, but I know she’s listening. "Goodnight.”
Her silence stretches for a moment before she replies. Her voice is quiet. "Goodnight, Jay."
I heave a sigh and turn onto my side, trying to count sheep.
Punching my pillow,I clench my teeth. All I can think about is how stunning Calla looks and how we're supposed to just sleep now.
Who in the world thought that having just one room was a good idea?
I can hear her breathing, slow and steady. She’s probably asleep now. Lucky girl.
I, on the other hand, am a mess. I’m all wound up from the kiss we shared on the Ferris wheel earlier. That, plus seeing her in that ridiculously sexy teddy, has made sleep an impossibility. All the blood has left my brain and rushed to my dick, which is throbbing like a second heartbeat.
I toss and turn, trying not to disturb her. After what feels like an eternity, I realize there's only one way I'm going to get any relief. I need to take care of this, or I’ll be up all night thinking about her.
About the way Calla’s lips felt against mine. About her soft body so close to me in bed.
I get up as quietly as I can and tiptoe to the bathroom. The last thing I want is for her to wake up and see me likethis. I’m a walking cliché, the horny dude who can't keep his dick in line. But I’m desperate.
The bathroom is a shrine to kitschy romance, with rose-patterned wallpaper and a massive glass shower. I turn the water on and let it heat up, hoping the sound doesn't wake her. My cock is still painfully erect as I strip off my pajamas and step into the shower. The hot water cascades over me. I take a deep breath, letting the steam fill my lungs.
I soap up my body. My cock is demanding attention, and I don’t try to resist for long. I close my eyes and imagine Calla in her teddy, her hands running over my chest, her lips teasing mine. I groan and start to stroke, slowly at first, then with more urgency.
In my mind, she’s on her knees, taking me into her mouth with a hunger that matches mine. I bite my lip, trying to keep quiet, but the pleasure is too intense. I imagine what her perfect pussy would feel like, how it would grip me.
In two minutes, I’m already dangerously close to the edge. That suits me just fine. The sooner that I come, the sooner I can crawl back in bed beside her and… well, probably still be horny.
The bathroom door opens. My eyes snap open in horror. Calla pokes her head in, her hair tousled and her eyes sleepy. She sees me jerking off and goes maroon, her mouth opening and closing like a fish out of water.
“I— I thought I heard you calling me,” she stammers. “Are you… uh… okay?”
Was I calling her? Maybe. I’m not even sure at this point. My cock is still hard, even with her standing there. I’m proud of my body and not opposed to anyone looking as much as they want. But I’ve just been caught holding my dick while moaning her name.
Right now, there’s a degree of mortification that even I feel.
“Calla,” I say, my voice rough. “I was thinking about you. Maybe I did call your name.” I take a breath, then plunge ahead, figuring I’m already as deep in as I can get. “Not to be crude, but if you want to join...”
To my amazement, she doesn’t run. She bites her lip and just stares, considering. Then, after what feels like an eternity, she steps into the bathroom and closes the door behind her.
My heart is pounding so hard I can hear it in my ears.
Is this really about to happen?
The steam swirls around us and creates an almost dreamlike haze. A thousand thoughts race through my mind, each more frantic than the last. What will this mean for us? Will it ruin everything or make it all more real?
All I know for sure is that I’ll die if she backs away now. Before I can second-guess myself, I crook a finger. Beckoning her closer. Daring her to take the next step.
Calla hesitates for a split second, her hand lingering on the doorknob. I prepare myself for the crushing disappointment of her walking away. But then she lets go and moves deeper into the bathroom, her bare feet silent on the tiled floor. My breath hitches.
She’s all in? God, so am I.