Another successful conversation with a coworker!I groan to myself. Loping down the hallway, I collapse into the worn swivel chair in the production room and rub my temples.

I take a deep breath. It’s the kind that fills your lungs with hope. Despite the embarrassment and exhaustion, I'm thrilled. My first day as a producer is in the can. I didn’t totally screw it up.

Thank God Jay recommended me for this gig. It's a breath of fresh air after two years working as a PA for his company and waitressing on the side. Even if it’s left me feeling like a wrung-out dishrag, I’m a slightly more independent dishrag. That’s what matters.

I worked my butt off to get here. Now that I can actually sink my teeth into the job, there's no way I'm letting it go without a fight. I pull out my phone to text Jay a quick thank you.

The door swings open with a thud and Elena strides in. Her black hair is a so shiny that I’m momentarily enraptured. Behind her trails Marcus, looking like a puppy who just got scolded. I sit up straighter. Elena is the kind of woman who commands a room with just a glance. I’ve admired her from afar for years.

I look around the room. Clearly, I’m in here. They can see me… right?

"One of the bachelorettes has backed out." Elena’s Spanish accent slices through the air like a hot knife through butter. She pinches her fingers together as she gestures. "She was a real character. A proven drama starter."

My heart skips a beat. This is big. I try to make myself as small as possible. It’s like a mouse hiding from a cat. Still, I’m dying to hear what they say next. For the next few months, this show is my whole life. If it tanks, so does my shot at a real career in production.

"We could bring in a ringer." Mark scratches his head. "Someone with the same… qualities."

Elena crosses her arms. She looks unconvinced. "Do you have any idea how hard it is to find another perfect specimen? Melanie wasperfect. Perfect hair. Perfect teeth. Perfecttetas. She was a power yoga instructor. Have you ever tried to touch your heel to the back of your head? Because Melanie could. She was the whole package."

I wonder what Elena would say about me right now. My long, mousy brown hair is a frizzy mess. My comically large glasses are smudged. My oversized T-shirt looks like something a toddler would swim in. I’ve never been hip or magnetic like Jay. He’s the guy with the perfect Instagram life. I’m the girl in the background, hiding behind a camera.

Basically, I’m none of the things that made Melanie perfect. What does that leave for the rest of us? Not much.

Feeling low, I start to slink out of the room. Then I trip over … well, I’m not sure. The floor, maybe?

Classic Wren. I brace for impact.

A strong hand catches me and turns me around. It’s Elena. "Are you all right?" She sounds more curious than concerned as she helps me stand.

“Fine!” I insist, brushing my knees off. “See, no harm done. I’ll just get out of your way.”

Elena doesn’t turn me loose. “Who are you?”

“Me?” I am sure I turn red as a tomato. “I’m Wren Rustin. You hired me as a producer.”

Her eyes narrow in contemplation. Marcus comes to myrescue. “Wren is Jay Rustin’s little sister. You know, that guy whose face you see everywhere?”

“I don’t know him,” Elena answers in a flat tone. “But you have pretty eyes, carina.” She smooths back my hair. “So blue! You should wear your hair up more, let them do some of the talking for you.”

I’m entranced by her touch. Gulping, I nod. Then Elena gives me a once-over. I can almost see the gears in her head turning.

"What about a ringer?" she asks. "If we used someone from the crew, we could control the storyline. It would beexcelente."

Mark’s eyes light up. “That would be a lot cheaper than hiring someone new. We could script the drama. Make it more believable."

I scrunch my face. Why is he acting like this wasn’t his idea?

My stomach does a somersault. My very first thought isno. Absolutely not. This is the worst idea in the history of bad ideas.

Elena tilts her head. She’s still staring at me. "You would have to 'win' the show. Make the bachelor choose you. We need the drama.” She pauses. She considers her next words. "We need you to fill in for Melanie. Just temporarily. We’ll glam you up. Make sure you ‘win.’"

I can’t think of a bigger nightmare.

"I’m really more comfortable behind the scenes." My voice is shaky. "I’m a shy girl. Uncomfortable on camera. I don’t even like having my picture taken."

Elena isn’t listening. Or maybe she’s ignoring me. "Would you like a hundred thousand dollars? I could arrange that to be your bonus if you played along. Plus, apromotion. We’re counting on you, Wren. Remember, you must win the show."

A hundred grand? My mind races. The promotion would mean job security. My first venture outside of working for Jay would be a success. God, I really want that.