When he finally breaks the kiss, I'm breathless. My lips are tingling, my head is swimming. Jay looks at me with an intensity that makes my knees weak. "I could get used to that," he whispers against my lips. “My little wife.”

My brain scrambles to process what just happened. God, I think that means he likes me. He really likes me. And the craziest part is, I think I like him too. Ireallylike him.

We unclip from the zipline harnesses and make our way down a winding path to the ground. The silence between us is thick with unspoken words, with possibilities. I’m afraid to give voice to the feeling between us. The worst thing in the world would be for Jay to tell me that I misinterpreted his words.

My little wife.I doubt very much that I took it out of context.

Once we are safely back down on solid earth, Jay runs a hand through his hair, a gesture I've come to recognize as his tell. He's thinking. Maybe even overthinking. "I just got out of a relationship, for heaven's sake. Three days ago I was almost married to someone else."

I stop walking and turn to fully face him. His eyes are somewhere far away, his mind clearly wrestling with something.

"Jay—" I start, but he cuts me off.

"It's just... you're not what I expected, Calla."

My heart does a little flip, hopeful and terrified all at once. "What did you expect?"

He meets my gaze. For a moment, he’s stripped down. The humor that he hides behind is gone, the carefree thrill seeker vanished. He looks sort of puzzled.

That’s funny. I’m also puzzled. I’ve got a lot of questions about our relationship. More with every day, it seems.

"Someone a little easier to deal with," Jay says at last. "But a lot less interesting, I suppose."

I don't know what to say to that. Should I be flattered or insulted? He’s giving me compliments wrapped in confessions, all tied up with the ribbon of our complicated situationship.

"This is already messy.” He sighs, seeming frustrated. “Maybe we could make it... I don't know, a little simpler? Friends with benefits who are also married?"

My breath catches. Is he serious? Part of me is tempted. Sorely tempted. But another part knows this would only complicate things further. I open my mouth to tell him that but no sound comes out.

"Think about it. No pressure either way."

Jay starts walking down the path leading us back to the adventure park's entrance. I follow a few steps behind him, still reeling from his revelations. The rush from the zipline lingers in the air between us, a spark neither of us wants to acknowledge yet can’t quite extinguish.



There is a break in our “honeymoon”after the three appearances, just enough time for me to “move in” with my “husband with benefits” and to check if my store had burned down yet. Our next sponsored appearance isn’t for another three days.

Originally, I planned to spend the downtime baking cupcakes and potentially reacquainting myself with my vibrator, likea lot. But Jay had other plans, so I’m here.

At Jay’s house.


I stand on Jay’s doorstep with three enormous suitcases. I’ve packed as if I were moving for real. In truth, having all my things here will make the charade more believable. So why am I having trouble ringing Jay’s doorbell?

The door swings open, unbidden. Jay’s face lights up. “Finally!”

“It took me a while to pack. But I was always going to show up here. I like to keep my commitments.”

He steps aside to let me in, then reaches for the nearest suitcase. “Here, let me.”

I hesitate for a moment, then let him take it. He lifts it with ease. I can’t help but notice the way his muscles flex under his shirt.Focus, Calla. Fix your mind on anything that isn’t a replay of Jay asking you to be friends with benefits.I’ve gone through that particular moment enough for today.

Jay sets each of my suitcases down in the living room, then looks back at me with an expression I can't quite read. Indecision? I rush to fill the awkward void.

"So, where am I going to sleep? The guest room? The couch?” I hate the second idea, but I try not to let it show.