"We could foster him." I try to keep my tone light. "Just until he finds a permanent home.”
Jay rubs his chin. He considers it. He’s never one to make a quick decision, especially when it involves a commitment like this. Except when he married me.
"Fostering is a big maybe. Let’s see how today goes first."
I nod. I know this is the best compromise I’m going to get right now. "Okay, but just look at him. How could anyone resist that face?"
Jay bends down and studies Gonzo. I can see thestruggle in his eyes. He wants to say no. He knows that if we take Gonzo in, even as a foster, he’ll become part of our family.
Ellie claps her hands together and brings us back to the present. "Whatever you decide, just let me know. I appreciate you even considering it."
We move away from the cart. I steal one last glance at Gonzo. The fair is in full swing now. Families and couples are moving from tent to tent. Children squeal with delight as they pet the animals.
Jay takes my hand. We walk back to the table where the cupcakes are stacked in colorful tiers. Each one is a miniature work of art, with fondant paw prints and bones. I’m proud of how far the bakery has come. It’s become a staple in the community.
The fair kicks into high gear as more townspeople arrive. Kids rush to the animal enclosures. Adults peruse the tables filled with pet supplies. A line forms at our booth for cupcakes. The excitement is palpable. People eagerly pet and play with the animals. Many are already discussing adoptions. Jay and I take turns handing out cupcakes and making small talk with our neighbors.
"Calla, these are amazing." One woman licks frosting from her finger. "Are you going to start making pet-friendly treats?"
I laugh. "Maybe. We'll see how today goes."
Jay leans in close and whispers. "You should. They’d sell like hotcakes."
"Or cupcakes," I whisper back.
I see a few people lining up to pet Gonzo. One family, two moms and a little boy, seems particularly interested. My heart squeezes and when Ellie walks by, I snag her.
“What’s going on with Gonzo?”
She turns and looks, then smiles. “I think they want to adopt him. They have a few acres on the other side of Greater. They already have a few rescues. A duck, a couple cats, and a blind Chihuahua. It would be a perfect environment for a big dog. But… They are talking about how expensive it would be to take Gonzo on.”
My heart hurts. But even as I ache, I see Gonzo licking the little boy’s hand. Out of nowhere, I blurt out, “What if I agreed to take care of his food and vet bills for a year?”
Ellie’s eyes widen. “I thought you wanted to take him home!”
“I do. But… I mean, look at him. He’s obviously meant to be their dog.”
We look at Gonzo, who is standing up now and showcasing his missing front leg. He’s leaning against one of the women. Ellie beams at the scene. “I think if I told them right now, they would say yes.”
“Well, go! Get Gonzo a good home. Trust me, I will live to fight another day.”
Ellie touches my hand briefly. “Thanks, Calla. Ryan said you were good people. It seems like he was right.”
I work the cupcake stand for another hour, sometimes posing for photos. Inside, I’m still sad about Gonzo. When I see that his pen is empty, it hurts a tiny bit.
God, if I’m like this after just meeting a dog for twenty minutes, what will I be like as a mom? The dial on my mothering instincts is turned up to an eleven right now.
"Calla." Jay pulls me aside just as I’m about to hand out another cupcake. "I have a surprise for you."
"Oh?" I tilt my head, curious and slightly wary. With Jay, surprises can go in any direction.
After I hand off the cupcake I’m holding, he takes my hand and leads me to the back of Ellie’s cart. He checks overhis shoulder, then opens a small carrier carefully. Inside is a half-Siamese kitten with striking blue eyes and a delicate frame. Her tiny paws knead a soft blanket.
Oh. My. God. “It’s so cute!!”
"Her name is Pocket." His voice is almost reverent. "I thought she’d be perfect for us. Lower maintenance than Gonzo, but still very much a pet we could take home."
The kitten is absolutely adorable. I can already picture her curled up in Jay’s lap, purring contentedly while he works. My heart tugs at the vision.