“Last lap,” she gasped.

“You’re going down.”

We tore up the last stretch like bats out of hell, backs up, knees pumping, breath coming hard. Her little guy edged up, then mine took the lead. Then a lion jumped out and she surged forward again. I gritted my teeth and punished my pedals, slamming my weight down to pick up speed. Sophie yelled, pedaled harder, but it was too late. I squeaked out ahead of her and sped through the finish line. My screen lit up WINNER. Hers lit up YOU LOSE.

“Damnit,” she groaned. “Ow, damn, my thighs.”

“You all right?”

“Yeah.” She stood up and stretched. “No one beats me at that.”

“I did. What’s my prize?”

“Your prize, huh?” She leaned on her bike. The light from her monitor lit her hair red. It had come loose as we raced and spilled over her shoulders, and it made her look fierce, like a warrior queen. Her lips quirked up. “How about a kiss?”

“One kiss?”

“Come get it.” She backed away. I followed her all the way back to the street, and we kissed in a swirl of fluffy snowflakes. The icy wind knifed through the sweat on my neck, but her lips were hot, and her hands in my hair. Someonewoo-hoo’d. Sophie giggled into our kiss. I laughed along with her, and bunched my hand in her jacket. She made a sound like a moan, and heat chased downmy spine. I wanted her, all of her. All I could get. Would it be too forward to say so right out? Surely she felt it, the same thing I felt?

She drew back, eyes half-shut, lips red from kissing. “Your place or mine?” she said.

Yes.“Let’s try yours.”

She took my hand again, racing back to my car, and all I could think was how great it felt. How great it all felt, this night with her. A good surprise, the best one. I couldn’t wait.



“Wait, wait a second.” Miles stopped on my doorstep. “Your mom’s not home, is she? I forgot you still?—”

“No! No, I don’t. I mean, I moved out.” I grabbed him by the hand and pulled him inside, up the narrow staircase that led to my door. He pushed me against it. I grabbed the front of his coat. Then we kissed till my head spun and my knees went weak.

“No roommates, right?”

“What? Oh, no.” I fumbled my keys out and tried for the lock. Miles took them from me and opened the door. We staggered in backward and bounced off the wall. Miles kicked the door shut with a frame-shaking slam. That made me jump, which made us both laugh, breath sweet from walnut cake hot on our lips. I bit his lip, wanting more of him. He raked his hands through my hair. I thrust my hands in his back pockets, and gave his ass a squeeze.

“Mm, nice and firm.”

“Didn’t I tell you, I never skip leg day?”

“Show me how strong you are.”

He scooped me into his arms. I hooked my legs round his waist. He carried me easily down the dark hall, pushing doors open till he found my bedroom.

“How strong is your bed frame?”


He made as though to toss me. I smacked him and shrieked. We tumbled together onto my bed, rolling over and over till I was on top. Miles still had his jacket on, so I pulled down the zip. I pushed it back off his shoulders so the arms bunched up, trapping him like handcuffs at his wrists.

“Got you now.” I took hold of the bunched cloth and twisted it tight. Miles struggled a moment, then he fell back.

“Be gentle.”

I pinched him, just lightly. His bicep. His nipple. He groaned, then he hissed. Squinched his eyes shut halfway. I pushed up his shirt and kissed down his belly, making his abs jump with the graze of my lips. The sounds he made spurred me on, gasps, heavy breathing. My name through his teeth on a ragged exhale. He struggled some more and tugged on his jacket, and I jerked his pants down. His cock throbbed in his shorts. I pulled those down too and teased him with my breath. When that made him curse, I let my hair brush his shaft. He bucked up and tensed.
