I knew who she meant, but I pretended I didn’t. I didn’t want to admit, yeah, Miles was hot. It felt somehow wrong to say it out loud, with him in the room no less, out with his friend.
“Go get him,” said Kate.
“What? No way.”
“No, do it.” Jen leaned on me. “And bring his friend too. I’ve been single forever, and those guys, hoo-ee!”
“Jesus, shut up!” I nudged her hard in the ribs. She only laughed louder.
“Come on, go get him. We need to see for ourselves. And if heisa dick, we’ll defend you, okay? We’ll tell him, you can’t be a jerk to our Sophie. Hey, Miles!” She waved. “Miles!”
I shoved her into the corner and ducked down, myself. When I chanced a glance up, Miles had half-turned. He frowned and said something, and his friend shrugged. They both surveyed the small room, but they didn’t spot us.
“I can’t believe you,” I hissed.
“But you’ll go get him, right?” Kate smirked. “We’ll behave, but you know this is fate.”
I glanced over at Miles again. His ears were red from the cold. It felt strange to see him here, out of context.
“I’ll get him,” I said. “But you have to behave. Just a quick hi, and that’s it. Promise?”
Jen yelled “I promise,” so loud I jumped. Kate promised too, but I didn’t believe her. I didn’t trust her tone, or her too-earnest smile. Still, I thought, what was the worst she could do? Make me look silly? I did that plenty all by myself.
I headed back to the bar, where Miles had sat with his friend. He coughed when he saw me.
“Reeves? That you?”
“Hey, Miles,” I said. “This your usual place?”
“Sort of. Sometimes. What are you doing here?”
I pointed back at our table. “Those are my friends. We’re out celebrating. They, uh… You want to stop by and say hi?”
“I don’t think so,” said Miles. “I don’t even know them.”
“Go on,” said his friend. “You never meet anyone. By the way, hi. I’m Brian.” He stuck out his hand, and I gave it a shake.
“I’m Sophie.”
“I know. Good to finally meet you.”
I shot Miles a startled look. His friend knew my name?
“I wasn’t—” Miles started, but Brian waved him off.
“Don’t worry. He hasn’t said anything bad.”
I wasn’t sure I believed that, but I let it go anyway. I’d whined up and down about Miles to my friends, at least in those first weeks, before we found our groove. I could hardly fault him for something I’d done myself.
“Go meet her friends.” Brian gave Miles a push. “I’ve got the game here. I’ll be okay.”
“Two minutes,” said Miles. He pushed back from the bar. “Were you yelling my name before, when we came in?”
“Not me. My friend. She’s drunk, so be nice.”
Miles grunted. I led the way back to our table. Jen popped up right away, all flushed with liquor.
“I’m Jen. Hi. You’re cute.”