“It’s not a dream,” I say with a smile. “Look, I don’t expect you to forgive me. I’ve moved back into the house near your grandmother. I’ll make it so our shifts are completely opposite, so you don’t have to see me if you don’t want to. I mean, I’ve got my own office now. You don’t have to deal with me.”

“No, Reece,” she says quickly.


“No. I don’t want that.”

“You don’t?” I echo, my heart sinking. Maybe this was too much to ask for after all.

Then she rolls her eyes at me. “No, it’s not that, you fool. Of course I want you, Reece. I’m furious with you because you stole my heart. You stole it, and then you left. You didn’t say anything, and you made me think that I was nothing. How could I not be furious?”

“I’m sorry,” I whisper, my stomach churning with the guilt of leaving her. Then what she says hits me, and I blink in surprise. “I stoleyourheart?”

“Yes, shut up,” she huffs, smiling down at me. I can’t resist any longer, and I reach up to wipe a tear from her cheek.

She leans into my touch, her eyes flickering closed. “This isn’t a prank, is it?”

“No, I swear on my life. This is no prank.”

“Good. Because…” She takes a shaky breath and squeezes both of my hands. “I have a confession for you as well.”

I smile. She’s going to tell me she loves me. She’s going to fall into my arms, and this is going to be perfect. Maybe this reunion isn’t going as badly as I’d thought.

Then she says, “I’m pregnant,” and my mouth drops open.

“You’re pregnant?” I say, and she nods slowly. “How did this happen?”

“You don’t need me to explain that, do you?” she scoffs.

I sigh hard, giving her a look. “No, I understand the physical process. I just… we were careful, weren’t we? We used protection, didn’t we?”

“These things aren’t perfect. You know that.”

“I do.” I pause, the new knowledge making me dizzy. “You’re pregnant?”

She nods. “I’m carrying your baby.”

“Then you’ll be mine?”

She nods again, and then her expression turns stern. “If you’re serious about this, if you want to be in our baby’s life — if you want to be part of the Silverbell community, of our town — and you really mean it, then yes, of course, I want you.”

My heart is pounding so loudly that I can barely hear anything else.

Suddenly, this is feeling too informal, too improper for the revelations we’ve just had. I shift to one knee, not able to think of anything else to do. “Sienna,” I say, reaching out my hands to her. “Will you?—”

“No,” she says, interrupting me.


“Not no, I won’t, but no, don’t ask. Not like this. If you’re going to ask me, do it properly. Settle in here first. Become part of my life and mean it, then yes. I’ll marry you.”

A wide grin splits across my face, and I jump to my feet so I can kiss her on the lips. They’re as plush and soft as I remember, and despite the salt of her tears, it’s the best kiss I’ve ever had.

It’s a promise. It’s the first page in my new life.

It’s perfect.