“For what?”
“Making it up with your parents.”
I scoff bitterly. “You have no idea. I worked like hell to get out of that place, I’m not going to go back. I’m better off without them.”
“That’s sad,” she says, and I can’t help the bitter laugh. She really does have no idea.
“It’s fine,” I snap, and just like that, our tender moment is gone.
Then she reaches out and takes my hand, her eyes blazing, and that small act of comfort sets me alight. “No, I mean, it’s sad that they made you feel that way. You deserved better.”
I’ve got absolutely nothing to say to that. How can I? I’ve just opened up my entire chest to her, and she’s managed to find the words to say to heal some of the pain. It’s not fixed, and it won’t ever be, but knowing that at least someone out there doesn’t blame me for what happened, doesn’t think I overreacted by leaving — it helps.
“I suppose I did,” I say with a small smile, the best one I can muster.
“It makes sense, though.”
“What?” My smile vanishes with my furrowing eyebrows. I can’t tell where this is going.
All I can think about is how she’s still holding my hand.
“The way you act. I thought you were an ass for no particular reason.”
“Oh, thanks so much,” I mutter, drawing a deep breath. Guess everyone does. Who was I kidding to think she might believe any differently?
But she shakes her head. “No, that’s not what I mean. Youarean ass, but I think that’s just a coping mechanism. The more I’ve got to know you, the more I’ve seen that. I’m sorry I never bothered to look deeper before.”
I pause. She means that. It’s written all over her face. She really means that.
If I leaned in a little closer, her lips would be a breath away.
She’s confessed to not thinking I’m a total dick, though. Not that she likes me in any way. Those two things are not the same at all.
Instead, I pull away with a smile. “Come on. Let’s swim.”
“Come on,” says Reece, shattering the intimate moment. “Let’s swim.”
“Swim?” I say, confused at the whiplash change in tone.
“Oh, unless it’s not allowed in this lake,” he says, deflating.
“No, no,” I stammer. “It is allowed. I just… well, I haven’t brought any swimwear.”
“That’s okay,” he says like it’s nothing. “Just wear your T-shirt. It’s warm. You’ll dry off in no time.”
I open my mouth and close it again. I almost feel like he’s challenging me. And unfortunately for both of us, I’ve never been the kind of person who backs down from a challenge.
“Okay, then,” I say, even if taking off my pants isn’t exactly what I wanted to do in front of him today. “Watch out, though. This water can sometimes be a bit cold.”
“I can handle cold water,” he says.
With that, he strips his shirt off, tossing it to one side as if it’s no big deal that he’s completely bared his chest to me.
I can’t help but glance at his body. I don’t quite know what I was expecting, but toned abs and chiseled pecs were not it. He’s lean and muscular in a healthy kind of way. He doesn’t look like a bodybuilder, but he does look good.