Page 81 of Claimed By the Band

The formal clothes feel strange after years of baggy sweaters and oversized hoodies. The tailored lines show off a body I've spent so long trying to hide. Even with the binder, there's a softness to my body that the fitted clothing highlights rather than conceals. But somehow, I don't hate it. Maybe because Asher picked it out. Maybe because for the first time in nine years, I'm actually considering letting someone see me. Really see me.

Today felt like a dream. Shopping with them, laughing over lunch, being treated like I belong. Like I'm more than just their temporary ally. The way Dante kept sneaking extra spring rolls onto my plate. How Damon's hand would brush my shoulder whenever he passed behind my chair. The pride in Asher's eyes every time I tried on something new.

I want more days like that. More mornings cooking with Knox, more lazy afternoons sprawled across the tour bus couches while Silas works on new songs. More nights falling asleep wrapped in Asher's honeyed scent.

But I can't have any of that, not really. Not without them knowing the truth. And once they do...

My hands shake as I adjust my collar one last time. I've only solidified my decision since the store. Tonight, after the mission, I'm going to tell Asher everything. About being an omega. About who—what—I really am. He deserves to know before this goes any further. Before I fall even deeper than I already have.

If he still wants me after... well, that's a bridge I'll cross when I get there.IfI get there. The thought of rejection makes my chest tight, but the thought of continuing to lie to all of them hurts worse.

Taking a deep breath, I step out of my room at the hotel and into the suite's living area. The conversation dies as five heads turn in my direction, and I have to fight the urge to retreat back into my sanctuary.

But then I get a good look at them, and my brain short-circuits.

Knox is wearing a black three-piece suit that makes his shoulders look even broader, if that's possible.

Silas went with charcoal gray, the subtle pinstripes elongating his already impressive height. A blood-red tie matches the handkerchief in his breast pocket, adding just enough color to draw the eye.

Dante's midnight blue suit somehow manages to look both elegant and edgy, especially paired with the artfully messy way he's styled his dark hair.

Damon's chosen classic black as well, but his jacket is cut to emphasize his powerful build. The effect is devastating.

And Asher...oh god.

He's wearing a suit in deep purple so dark it looks black until the light hits it just right. The color makes his violet eyes practically glow, and the cut of the jacket emphasizes his lean build. His golden hair is styled in soft waves that beg my fingers to run through them. He looks ethereal, otherworldly, and so beautiful it actually hurts.

"You look amazing," he breathes, and it takes me a moment to realize he's talking about me.

Heat creeps up my neck as I fidget with my sleeve. "Thanks," I manage. "You all look... uh…."

"I think we broke the beta," Dante teases, his dark eyes twinkling with amusement. "I mean, I'm flattered we left you speechless, but we do need you functional tonight."

My face burns even hotter, and I resist the urge to tug at my collar. "Sorry, I just... you all clean up nice."

"So do you," Knox rumbles, and something in his tone makes my stomach flip. When did he start looking at me like that?

"Are you ready for tonight?" Silas asks, all business despite how devastatingly handsome he looks in that suit.

"Yeah," I say, perhaps too quickly. My mind flashes to what comes after. The conversation I need to have with Asher. Withall of them, maybe. My palms start to sweat at the thought. "Just... nervous about getting what we need."

"We've got your back," Asher says softly, reaching for my hand. His fingers lace through mine, warm and steady. "All of us."

If only you knew what I'm really nervous about,I think but don't say.

We make our way down to the waiting SUV, and I'm surprised when Knox slides into the back seat next to me before Asher can claim his usual spot. Even more surprising is that no one seems to find this unusual. Dante takes the driver's seat with Damon riding shotgun, while Silas settles into the row behind us.

"Alright," Silas says as we pull away from the hotel, leaning forward over the seat enough that I can feel his body heat on my back, his breath stirring the hairs at the nape of my neck. "Let's go over it one more time. Vince said his lead scientist will be there tonight, supposedly some genius who's revolutionizing pheromone synthesis."

"And while we keep them occupied," Asher adds, his hand still in mine, "Alex slips away to check out the lower offices."

"The party's in the main ballroom on the top floor," I explain, recounting what I know from the email Vince sent out to all his guests, forcing myself to focus on the mission instead of how good Knox and Asher smell. "Security will be concentrated there, which makes the executive offices on the lower level our best shot at finding something concrete."

"Are you sure you can get in?" Knox asks, and there's genuine concern in his voice rather than the skepticism I would have expected a few weeks ago.

I pat the small case hidden in my jacket that contains my tools. "Those locks won't be a problem. If they're manual, I've got my gear. If they're digital, I've got breakers for that, too."

"I love it when you talk nerdy," Asher purrs, his hand coming to rest on my knee.