"Okay," I say instead, letting him pull me closer. "But I draw the line at sequins."
His laugh rings out bright and clear in the morning air. "We'll see about that."
I find myself wedged between Asher and Dante in the back seat of the SUV, even though the passenger seat up front is conspicuously empty. The leather is warm against my back as I try to make myself as small as possible, which isn't easy given how broad their shoulders are.
"I can move up front," I offer, gesturing toward the empty seat. "That way you can sit by Asher."
Dante just grins, settling in more comfortably beside me. "Nah, I'm good here. Unless you're uncomfortable?"
Heat creeps up my neck at his casual tone. Like having me pressed against his side is the most natural thing in the world. "No, I'm... fine."
Asher snickers from my other side, and I shoot him a glare that only makes him grin wider. Traitor.
We're barely five minutes into the drive when someone in a red sports car cuts right in front of us. Damon slams on the brakes, laying on the horn.
"Idiot!" he growls, his scent surging with protective alpha energy.
The sudden stop sends me lurching sideways into Dante's chest. His arm comes around me instantly, steadying me against him. If it wasn't for his quick reflexes, I might have face-planted right into the center console, despite the seatbelt.
"You okay?" he asks, his earth and stone scent filling my nostrils.
I can only nod shakily. But it's not from the near miss, it's from howgoodhe smells, how solid and warm he feels against me. His arm stays draped over the back of my seat even after I've regained my balance, his fingers absently playing with the epaulette on Asher's jacket.
This is torture. Pure, exquisite torture.
I tell myself it's just the close quarters making my head spin. That I need to look into switching suppressants again because clearly these aren't working as well as they should. But deep down, I know that's not it. It'sthem—all of them.
Dante's fingers brush against my shoulder as he continues toying with Asher's jacket, and I have to bite back a shiver. From the corner of my eye, I catch Asher watching us with that soft,pleased expression he gets sometimes. Like everything is going exactly according to plan.
I should move away. Should put some distance between myself and Dante's incredible scent. But I'm trapped between him and Asher, and honestly? I'm not sure I want to move even if I could.
The drive feels endless and over too quickly at the same time. When we finally pull up to an enormous department store, I'm both relieved and disappointed. Dante's arm slips away as we pile out of the SUV, and I immediately miss its warmth.
Asher holds the door for me, which I'm still not used to. Why does he—all of them, really—treat me like I'm something to be protected? Cherished?
I step into the vast department store and immediately feel out of place. The polished marble floors and gleaming displays scream luxury. Actual luxury, not the tacky, gilded brand PheroMaster is going for. Everything looks untouchable, pristine in a way that makes me want to check my shoes for dirt.
But something's off. The store is... empty.
Completely empty.
No shoppers browsing the racks, no employees hovering nearby offering assistance. Just silence and soft classical music playing through hidden speakers.
"Where is everyone?" I ask, glancing around the deserted space.
The others exchange a look that makes my stomach flip. "What?"
"Well," Damon says carefully, "the store is technically closed right now."
I blink at him. "What do you mean closed? The lights are on, the doors were unlocked..."
"I might have rented it out for the morning," Asher admits, shifting from foot to foot like a kid caught sneaking cookies. "Just for us."
"You... what?" My voice comes out embarrassingly squeaky.
"I know you don't like crowds," he explains quickly. "And shopping can be stressful enough without having to deal with people staring or trying to get autographs or whatever. I wanted you to be comfortable."
My chest feels too tight suddenly, like I can't quite catch my breath. He rented out an entire department store. For me. Because he noticed I get anxious in crowds and wanted to make this easier.