Page 72 of Claimed By the Band

"You don't understand," I whisper, even as I lean into his touch. "This is... I can't..."

"Can't? Or won't?" he asks again, echoing his earlier question. "Because that kiss felt pretty mutual to me."

I lift my head to look at him, and the warmth in his gaze nearly undoes me. "It was. But it's not that simple."

"Maybe it could be," he says softly. "If you let it."

For one wild moment, I let myself imagine it. Letting down all my walls, telling him everything. But the thought of losing this, losinghim, losing all of them when the truth comes out... Even though I don't reallyhavethem to begin with. It's too much.

"Your coffee's getting cold," I say instead of answering, pulling back just enough to create some space between us.

Asher lets me retreat, but I can feel his eyes on me as I take a sip of my own rapidly cooling coffee. The ghost of his kiss still lingers on my lips, a reminder of everything I want but can't have.

At least, not without risking everything.



The early morning air is crisp as I slip onto the bus, trying to be quiet. Everyone should be asleep after the late night we had, discussing security measures and contingency plans. My head is still spinning from all the research I've been doing about the Sons of Epsilon. Easier said than done, considering how locked down they are. What little I could find on the Internet has only made me more worried.

I freeze when I spot Alex hunched over his laptop at the small dining table, the blue light illuminating his delicate features. He looks up, startled, and immediately starts gathering his things.

"Sorry," he mumbles, already half-standing. "I'll get out of your way."

"Please don't," I say before I can stop myself. The words surprise us both. "I'm only here to grab a couple of things before I go back to the hotel anyway."

He hesitates, those dark eyes studying me warily. There are shadows under them that weren't there before, like he hasn'tbeen sleeping. Guess we have something in common besides Asher, after all.

"I'm sorry," he says again, sinking back into his seat.

I frown, confused. "For what?"

"I know you're only there because I'm here." His fingers fidget with the sleeve of his oversized sweater. "That the others outvoted you about letting me stay. Which... I get it. I wouldn't want me here either if I was in your position."

Something in my chest tightens at the resignation in his voice. Like he's used to being unwanted. Expected it, even.

"That's not..." I start, then stop, running a hand through my hair in frustration. "Why do you think that?"

"It's pretty obvious, isn't it?" He cocks an eyebrow. "You've been avoiding me for days. You didn't like me from the beginning, and now you know about my past. About the fact that me being here puts Asher and the rest of you in danger."

I stare at Alex, horror dawning as his words sink in. He thinks I've been avoiding him even more because I don't want him here. Because he's a threat. The truth hits me like a punch to the gut. I've been such an asshole that he actually believeshe'sdone something wrong.

"Fuck," I mutter, dragging a hand down my face. "That's not... I've been avoiding you because I feel like shit, okay?"

Alex blinks at me, confusion written across his features. "What?"

"I made all these assumptions about you," I admit, the words feeling clumsy in my mouth. I'm not good at this vulnerability shit. "About why you were so secretive. Why you wouldn't letanyone get close. I thought you were just some arrogant hacker playing games with us."

Understanding dawns in his dark eyes, followed quickly by wariness. "And now?"

"Now I know I was wrong," I say simply, shrugging. "And I'm not great at admitting when I'm wrong, so don't get used to it."

A ghost of a smile flickers across his face. "That makes two of us."

I try to ignore the way my throat tightens at that tiny smile. "As for putting Asher in danger? That ship sailed long before you came along."

Alex's brow furrows. "What do you mean?"