I shake off the melancholy, focusing instead on the task at hand. I've barely opened my email to analyze the report Maria sent me when my phone buzzes again. This time, it's a text from Asher.
ASHER: Hey Echo!! It's Asher. Got a sec to chat?
I snort. Of course it's him. He's the only client who's ever sent me memes. And this morning, a picture of scones and hot chocolate from the coffee shop he and the pack went to for breakfast.
What do you need?
Better aim for professional detachment. Especially after our meeting.
His response is immediate. Of course.
ASHER: Can I call you? It's easier to explain over the phone.
I hesitate, my thumb hovering over the keyboard. What could he possibly have to say that can't be conveyed through text? But curiosity wins out over caution.
Fine. Give me five minutes.
Once I download the report, just in case, I give it a quick glance. It's pretty much what I expected from the press conferences and police reports. A novel compound synthesizing alpha pheromones. The half life was six hours. More than enough time to cause complete and utter chaos. It's nothing available on the free market, that's for sure.
When the phone rings, I take a deep breath before answering. "Hello?"
"Echo!" Asher's voice is warm, enthusiastic. "How are you? Have you eaten yet? There's this amazing Chinese place on Main Street. Youhaveto try their dumplings?—"
"Asher," I cut him off, fighting to keep the amusement out of my voice. "Did you call to make small talk, or...?"
"Oh! Right, sorry," he says, and I can practically hear the sheepish grin in his voice. "I got distracted. I have kind of a one-track mind when it comes to food. Anyway, I've got good news! We got the invite to the PheroMaster showroom."
I blink, surprised. "That was fast."
"I know, right?" Asher says, a hint of pride creeping into his tone. "I called in some favors, and as soon as they realized who it was... well, let's just say they rolled out the red carpet."
I snort. "Of course they did."
"The appointment is Friday at 7 PM," he continues. "And get this—the CEO himself wants to give us a tour."
I think back to the video I just watched, the CEO's smarmy grin and over-gelled hair. "Can't wait," I say dryly.
There's a pause on the other end of the line. "There is... one more thing," Asher says, his voice taking on an edge of wariness.
My stomach drops. "What?"
"Well, it turns out the boutique has a pack-only policy," he explains. "Technically, only alphas are supposed to go, but they were willing to make an exception for me. But..."
"But what?" I prompt, even though I have a sinking feeling I know where this is going.
"I had to say we'd be bringing you as the new member of our pack," Asher says in a rush. "It was the only way to get you in."
For a moment, I'm too stunned to speak. A member of their pack? The very idea is laughable. Terrifying.Temptingin a way I refuse to examine too closely.
"Echo?" Asher's voice breaks through my spiraling thoughts. "Are you still there?"
I clear my throat. "Yeah, I'm here. That's... fine. We'll make it work."
"Great!" The relief in his voice is palpable. "Do you want to meet up before Friday? Maybe grab dinner and discuss strategy?"
"No," I say, probably too quickly. "I've got some things I need to take care of before then."
"Oh." Is it my imagination, or does he sound disappointed? "Well, if you're trying to keep up your air of mystery, you don't need to try so hard."