She could envision it all as he spoke, and her heart sped up with joy and desire. “That sounds amazing.”
He turned her around to face him. “Do you approve of the house?”
“I love it. The house, the neighborhood, my room. It’s all perfect.”
“Buy it with me.”
He fished a small box out of his pocket, got down on one knee in front of her and opened the box.
Tessica’s eyes opened wide. She put a hand over her mouth and stared at the beautiful diamond engagement ring he was holding.
“Will you marry me?”
She was too shocked to answer at first.
“I know we haven’t been dating very long, but we’re both old enough to know how short life is. I don’t want to spend another minute of my life without you by my side.”
Her eyes filled with tears as she nodded. “Yes.”
Grinning, he stood up, and put the ring on her finger before pulling her into a kiss.
It was everything she could have ever hoped for and more. A dominant fiancé who knew and accepted all the different sides of her, a couple of thriving businesses, and now a house to call their own.
Tessica woke up next to Connor, and found him grinning at her.
“What?” she asked yawning and stretching.
“It’s the twenty-ninth.”
“Leap Year,” she said. Her stomach lurched as if she were on a roller coaster. “Last day of the month.”
They’d made plans for today, and she was excited about it, but also nervous. The realtor had handed them the keys to their house two days ago. Yesterday they’d had a moving company move most of Tessica’s furniture in, and last night they’d brought Butch over and slept there for the first night. Connor had brought up the idea of Tessy’s room being off limits to Tessica unless she was in her Little headspace, and adult Tessica had agreed, thinking it would make it seem more special on the days she was in there. And today was the first day she was going to see the room.
Over the past week, before they’d even gotten the keys to the house, Connor had been buying items for Tessy’s room. He kept asking her opinion on different beds, desks, and shelves, but he told her that Daddy would have final say, and that he would be buying everything and decorating the room for his Little girl.
“Okay, Tessy, Daddy wants you to go take a shower. I’m going to go upstairs to get some clothes that I bought for you. I’ll put them on the bathroom counter while you’re showering. Thenwhile you’re getting dressed, Daddy will feed Butch and make breakfast for us. Do you understand?”
She wasn’t fully Little yet, but she was getting there. “Yes, Daddy.”
“Good girl.”
She rushed through her shower, excited to see her room, and to be Tessy all morning. She got out of the shower and went to see what he’d brought for her to wear. It was a short-sleeved white dress with pink flowers that came down to her knees. Along with that were white cotton panties, a sports bra, white knee-high socks, and a pink sweater that matched the flowers on the dress. Grinning, she put the clothes on and admired herself in the mirror while she dried her hair. The outfit definitely made her appear young.
When she arrived in the kitchen it smelled sweet. “What’s for breakfast, Daddy?”
“Pancakes.” He turned to look at her and grinned. “Aw, you’re adorable in that dress, Tessy.”
She did a little twirl for him.
“Sit down, I’ll bring you a plate.”
Once they’d both eaten breakfast, and the dishes had been rinsed, Connor said, “Ready to see your room, sweetheart?”
She jumped up and down a couple of times and clapped. “Yes, Daddy. So ready!”
He took her hand, led her up the stairs, and unlocked the bedroom door.