“Then when I saw how much work you’d put into your plans I felt betrayed. Like you’d purposely hidden it from me.”
Feeling a touch guilty herself, she nodded. “I am sorry you felt that way. It certainly wasn’t my intention.” She focused on her coffee and added. “I honestly thought you’d be happy aboutit. Like hiding a good surprise, not hiding a misdeed.” Focusing on him again, she added, “That was an error in judgement on my part, and I’m sorry.”
Connor shook his head. “No, don’t apologize. I?—”
“Just because you did something worse, doesn’t excuse my behavior. I should have at least told you I had a surprise to show you. Some kind of warning instead of just dumping the whole thing on you.”
It took a moment, but soon he nodded. “Okay, apology accepted. And I do think I would have handled things a little better if I’d had some forewarning.” He reached out and put a hand over hers on the table. “I didn’t get a lot of sleep last night,” he confessed. “I’ve thought it over, and I’m sure most of my reaction had to do with jealousy. I wanted you to spend your free time with me, not with other people. But it’s not exactly fair for me to ask you to spend your free time pining for me when I’m off flying.”
Relived that he seemed to have done quite a bit of soul-searching over the evening, she gave him a little smile. “I can understand feeling a bit jealous.”
He squeezed her hand. “But I also think I was upset that I couldn’t control you or change your mind.
“Oh.” She wasn’t sure if it was good or bad that he could admit that.
“I’ve been in equal relationships, and I’ve been in kinky relationships. But this is the first time I’ve been in a kinky relationship that is also equal. Or at least equal sometimes, and I haven’t handled the equality part of it well at all.”
“I’m sure it’s a difficult adjustment,” Tessica said. “Especially when playing Daddy to my Little Tessy went so well for both of us.”
Connor nodded. “And when we’ve slept together, you’ve been beautifully submissive. It didn’t seem as though you were faking that.”
“I wasn’t.”
“Is there any part of you that wants to take more control in the bedroom?”
She thought about that for a few seconds before shaking her head. “No. If I was with someone who wanted me to take control in the bedroom, I could do that once in a while, but I would be doing it to make them happy, not to satisfy my own drive.”
“Glad I didn’t read that wrong. I also don’t have any trouble seeing you as an equal when we’re both topping Littles. When you’re in Mommy mode, you take on an air of confident dominance that I naturally respect.”
“I see.” She frowned. “So it’s just when I’m being my normal self with no kink that you have difficulty respecting me.”
He scowled. “No. Don’t put words in my mouth. I respect you no matter what. I just…” He winced. “Well, I didn’t do a good job of respecting you last night. I kept expecting you to react submissively and when you didn’t, I lashed out.”
“To be fair, I was talking about kink at the time. I doubt you would have lashed out if I’d been talking about taking on more accounting work.”
“Probably not,” he agreed. “Can you forgive me?”
She thought that over for several seconds. “I don’t know. Can you accept punishment? Physical punishment from me as a true equal?”
He focused on the table and nodded. “It won’t be easy for me, but yes. I’ll accept whatever punishment you think I deserve.”
“What if I said I wanted you over my knee for a spanking?”
Connor blanched and gave her a jerky little nod of acceptance.
She shook her head. “I don’t think either one of us would recover well from that. But the fact that you’d be willing says a lot to me. It’s probably sexist of me, because I have no qualms about going over your knee, Little or not, but I’d never expect the same of you.”
He let out a huge breath that he must have been holding. “Oh thank god.”
Tessica moved back a bit to glance under the table at his waist. “Are you wearing a belt?”
“Yes,” he answered.
She held out her hand palm up. “Hand it over.”
His entire face turned red as he unbuckled his belt, pulled it off, and handed it to her.
She grasped the buckle and the other end in her hand. “Move the coffee cups to the counter, drop your pants, and bend over the table.”